Monday, April 6, 2009


For many reasons, I am too worn out to write tonight, Sunday night. So I'm thinking this will be another Silent Sunday except given that it isn't Sunday when this is posted, I'll call it Mute Monday.

I would, however, like to talk for a moment about this photograph. Rest assured, if I end up writing everything I have to say about it, you'll be wishing you were having a root canal calling this Muzzle Monday or Make Her Stop, Please, Have Mercy Monday.

On the way home from West Point the other day, I turned down a road displaying a public landing sign. The great thing about public landings is I can't be accused of trespassing, and a water view is guaranteed. Also, I'd never been to this public landing before, so I was excited for a new adventure.

On the way there, I passed many, many photographicable sights. (Annie says that photographicable is a word, and I'm with her on that.)

The last hundred or so yards before I reached the landing involved a rather steep hill with high embankments on either side. This particular shed was on the left as I was going down the road towards the landing.

The tree on the right has bent itself around the shed to accommodate it. The tree is alive; the shed is dead.

The roof is clinging to what little bit of original color that it can. Weather and time are stripping away whatever color is left.

The boards are dull and gray, and Nature has stripped away some of the wood. Yet right outside of this are the bright yellow daffodils.

Yet another way of slicing and dicing this picture has to do with shapes. The dead portion--the shed--is very linear, while the living parts--the flowers, the trees the grasses--have curves and rounded shapes which are less harsh and stark.

In summary, I see the juxtaposition of life and death in this photo. Life and death coexist peacefully and beautifully here.

The philosophical portion of this post is now over. The rest of the story is as follows:

I opened my car door and got out to take this and a few other pictures. The car was idling on a very steep embankment that led to the public landing, which means there was water, and that water was known as the Piankatank River. Emergency brakes were invented for a purpose, and that purpose is to prevent cars from rolling down steep embankments towards rivers.

No cars, people or rivers were injured in the making of this post, and I'd like to remind folks that emergency brakes were invented for a purpose. In case you didn't hear that the first time.

Are you wishing for that root canal yet? I know I am.


  1. Well, all I see is a really good photograph. To hell with the philosophy!

  2. beautiful isn't the right word for the shed (and I haven't had my cup of brain jolt!)...but it is a beautifully shot picture!

    I so enjoy your site!


  3. Just love your photo and your philosophy!
    And I sure hope that nobody was injured or any calamity happened during thee taking of said photo!

  4. There is a lot of energy in your picture today CBW. Preconceived expectations about the "forms" are challenged. For example, the roof of the building is not a flat surface and the flowers are not upright - the evidence of wind and harsh weather is everywhere. The trunk of the tree to the right and the branches fanning out above the shed, while not unexpected, add to the energy. The variations of gray in the sky add energy as well. The low angle at which the picture was taken add to the weight of all the forms. The complementary red and green somehow contribute as well.

    You've captured a moment, CBW; but, if you don't see it yourself, let me know and I'll send you some coffee beans.

  5. So. Did you have to chase after the rolling car?

  6. That's a fabulous photo and I love that you used the emergency brake .. good for you!

    And I am having part 2 of a root canal this afternoon ... and since part 1 is fresh in my mind I can say in all sincerity that THIS post was nothing like the root canal ...

  7. It's obvious to me that you weren't as tired and worn out as I was Sunday night. I didn't read, watch TV or read any blogs...nor did I post! a rarity for sure for both of us. But you posted so scratch the "both of us" from that sentence.

    Those daffodils don't pay any attention to Public Landing signs or No Trespassing signs do they?

    I love that picture, and I'm going to have to look for my parking break because I just put my transmission in P and figure that covers all bases.

  8. I love all the photos you post of the dilapidated and weather-worn buildings that dot the landscape in your surroundings... they kind of remind me of my artist uncle's paintings, which make me feel wistful and melancholy.

    When I need blog inspiration, I visit CBW's site and - Eureka! - it occurs to me what I need to write about next. I love that about you, CBW.

  9. TSA,T & Annie - Thank you. This is one I atually like too. The sky was very dark and the lighting not ideal, but still I'm OK with it.

    MMM - Are you sure you don't teach poetry and/or art? Also, I've been waiting on those magic beans for some time now. At a minimum, can you bring some to blog fest?

    MPM - I had one foot out of the car, two hands on a camera and felt a move forwards. After a panic attack, a scream and a few choice words, I put the other foot on the brake and then found the emergency brake. I was too engrossed in this scene to pay attention to small details such as preventing my Saturn from plunging into the Piankatank River.

    Daryl, you have my deepest sympathies but hopefully dinner tonight will cheer you up. If it were me, I'd be a basket case by now. No root canals for me,no can do.

    GJ - You are right, that's very unusual for you. Glad you're OK (and glad those turkey buzzards didn't attack when you were taking pics the other day).

    Meg - I am so glad you get something other than a nap by coming over here (I put myself to sleep, in fact I'm doing it right now). Looking forward to hearing more about your uncle.

    In other news, Annie, Big Hair Envy, Mental P. Mama and Daryl are all convening in NYC tonight for dinner. Can't wait to hear the reports tomorrow....

  10., sorry, not me...I hope they aren't expecting me...I have already eaten and about to go to bed..I am soo tired...all that walking yesterday just wore me out!

  11. Sorry, Annie, I confused Annies. It's TSAnnie who is meeting up with them.

    Remember, we're not that far from DC or Richmond....if you're looking for a side trip.

  12. After reading your description, and then MMMs, all I could think about was "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" in which Linus and Charlie Brown are lying on a hill looking at clouds. Linus sees the stoning of Stephen, "with the Apostle Paul down there on the right," as well as the profile of Thomas Eakins, "the great 19th-century American portrait painter and sculptor."

    Charlie Brown sighs and says, "I was going to say I saw a duckie and a horsie, but I changed my mind."

    And yes, I Googled the dialogue.

    FANTABULOUS PHOTO MY FINE FARAWAY FRIEND! May I filch it for a frame . . .?


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.