Thursday, April 16, 2009

When It Rains

This is a shot of the Piankatank River down the public landing at Harcum. A storm was moving out and the wind was trying very hard to chase the clouds somewhere else.

Speaking of storms, one has been stalled over Mathews for nigh on a century several days straight bringing cold, dreary rain. This provided the perfect backdrop to one of the more intense, dramatic and unusual days I've had in 24 hours a while. Today was a most interesting day all told, except if all was told, I'd be writing for a week to explain everything what happened.

The Cliff Notes Version of Chesapeake Bay Woman's Day:

In short, today was loaded with unexpected events, error messages on my computer (it may be dying), some drama, salad dressing on my forehead, ants all over my counter, a sudden change in schedule, and an emergency.

The End.

Thanks for stopping by, come again soon, there'll be more talk about nothing of the same tomorrow.


The Marathon Version of Chesapeake Bay Woman's Day:

The day began with me spilling coffee all over the floor as I was juggling a bag, a pocketbook, a carafe of coffee, a coffee cup, a kitchen sink, my car keys, all my unopened mail, my cell phone and my lunch bag simultaneously.

The day ended with me frantically unpacking groceries while fixing supper, and in the process of throwing some lettuce on a plate and calling it a salad making CB Daughter and Son a salad, I flung Good Seasons dressing all over my forehead when the cruet backfired. Then, with one eyeball clamped shut (see previous statement about salad dressing on face) and one hand out in front of me patting the counter trying to find a tea towel, I took a closer look and discovered an Ant Fiesta happening right there in my very kitchen.

In between these last two paragraphs was a bit of unexpected drama involving a trip to the grocery store, some blood, and an ambulance. (No Chesapeake Bay Family members were injured in the explanation of that last sentence.)

Sprinkle the above generously with some very spicy--yet simultaneously tasteless--work, a long commute in the rain, and a soccer game that was cancelled, then uncancelled, then cancelled due to rain.

Guess who was responsible for snacks/drinks for the team, but take another guess at who had nothing due to believing game would be cancelled due to rain. Breathe deeply and take yet another guess at who had a mini-stroke after receiving a phone call that the game was indeed on, and then guess who was ready to cry after receiving a third call saying the game was indeed cancelled.

Welcome to a very typical Chesapeake Bay Woman Day. Did I mention the ants?

The End.

Thanks for stopping by, come again soon, there'll be more talk about nothing of the same tomorrow.


  1. oh girl, you just kill me sometimes, you are soooo funny.

  2. Maria from (wet) NJApril 16, 2009 at 12:13 AM

    Okay, I was tired, after reading that I'm exhausted! This rain does need to move on, we're so over it. If we don't get fabulous May flowers I'm researching how one goes about a recall on April. Alas tomorrow (or today, as it is now midnight) is another day and it darn better be better! Or else!!

  3. yeah, well, maybe your day was hectic, but I re-wrote the Constitution. Then I re-wrote it again.

    Your first mistake was packing a lunch.

    Second mistake was attempting to even consider putting salad dressing on the lettuce.

    Now I'll go to bed, feeling better about making you feel better. Ummm yeah. :)

  4. KD - If I don't make fun of it, it will do me in.

    Maria - MAN is this rain depressing. Sign me up for that recall or refund for April. What I'm expecting is the grass to grow up to the window sills in May. Hopefully today will bring a break in the clouds, both literally and figuratively.

    GJ - Thanks, you are so right. Sometimes I do make it more difficult on myself. You know, I think about you often as I try to streeeetttttch out my work day and remember a recent post you did on your typical work day before you retired (i.e. get coffee, talk for ten minutes, etc.). You should hear what mine is like, except you won't unless it's at Blog Fest for fear of reprisal--I love my job in case anyone is reading from there! It's fantastic. The Best Place Ever.

    Happy Rain-Free Thursday.

  5. Oh my Lord. I need a drink after all that.

  6. CBW, wow what a day it was! I understand thoses day. Today the sun is shinning and we are breathing and it is a good. It is good to laugh at those days because if you don't you would cry. What a beautiful day I hope all enjoy it.

  7. Oh honey I am so feeling your crossed out angst ... and yet I had to muffle my laughter, I was NOT laugh at you, CPW, I was laughing .. um .. erm .. okay I was laughing at you but not in a mean way .. definitely not ..

    And I am also now giggling at Grandma J .. did you get to the Bill of Rights to Grandma?

  8. MPM - Me too.

    Island Girl - The sunshine is wonderful, isn't it?

    Daryl, no need to stifle laughter. Let 'er rip.


  9. Yeah, SUNSHINE! I cut my grass all by myself-without a roomba or a goose. I have been reading all of the blogs but by the time I can reply-everyone else is already in bed. My evenings are filled with High School soccer, LAX practice, Y soccer, homework, school projects,and the "Beat Goes On".........

    CBW-I thought of Super Freak instantly. Thanks to you I have been having "Double Dutch Bus" screeching in my scary head for a few weeks. Maybe now I can change records, or is it CD, cassette, 8 track, etc.

  10. If you were to tell your doctor about your day, I'm sure he would prescribe wine. Cheers!

  11. are also making me worn out...and I was all worn out already before I read your post!

    My sister and I traveled down to Washington by bus(coach?) today, and we are holed up in a nice hotel somewhere here in Arlington...luckily between us both, we have one brain, so it was nice to get here safely, and settled in. We may never move out again!
    Smithsonian tomorrow, bus tour Saturday..or something...back to NYC Sunday ...little sis who does all the organising, and is only 3 days into her jetlagged trip from Australia, is flat out asleep and snoring on the bed already. I took a photo of her and the flash didn't even make her I am going to send it to her husband, kids, big sister and brother!!

    Hope you do recover from your stressed out day...I am sure you will wake bouncing and fresh in the morning, just don't try to carry too many things at once. Boy I remember those days when the kids were at school and there was so much happening, sports, music, etc. I am so glad I am old now!

  12. NMM - Oh, how you speak my language with regards to the sports schedule. I also ventured out on the lawn mower today, no roomba in sight, although that KILLER GOOSE came at me more than once when I was looking for the gas can in the barn next door. Oh, the humanity. Hey, it's nothing but a Fantastic Voyage, this thing called life. FV was on an album. But I had oh-so-many 8-track cassettes. They were so good.)

    BHE - One cannot argue with you or a trained medical professional. Amen, sister.

    Annie. Oh dear. Please don't judge Virginia by Northern Virginia, although it has plenty of merits. If you ventured just two hours away in either direction you'd find yourself in a whole 'nother world. One without Thai food, for example. You will enjoy the Smithsonian and all the amenities the city can offer. I recommend Viet Garden restaurant in Arlington. Oh, they have some good stuff. But then again most places you eat up there that aren't chains are going to be wonderful. Enjoy your family and wish you could be here in July for our little gathering. Little sis? Would love to hear from her, maybe she'll do a guest post on your blog.

    Have a great Friday/weekend.

  13. I'm confused - so did they play the game or NOT?

    Annie, welcome to DC! I hope you enjoy the sights. There's lots of good ethnic food in Arlington, and you've picked a fantastic weekend to explore all our tourist attractions. Have fun!

  14. Ah, thanks for your welcomes...

    little sis is now awake and wrestling with the automatic coffee pot! Almost as bad as an automatic lawn won't work...arrghh...

    I'm going to bed. She can sort it out herself!

    Yes, a great idea to get her to write something as a guest on my blog...better still she could come and be a guest commenter here. Or should that be a common tater? I think I should go to bed..before everyone else goes to sleep!

  15. Help...still haven't figured out the coffee maker.......I'll bet I've programmed it to come on at 2am or something. Gee, and I thought that sleep might have done me some good.
    Annie's little sis.

  16. Hello, nonimouse, welcome to Virginia and to this crazy blog.

    The Adventures of Annie and Nonimouse has such a nice ring to it. I hope you will keep us posted on your adventures during your stay. Have a wonderful visit and please figure that coffee pot out. That's essential to proper functioning. You mustn't go without coffee.

    Now I'm off to get mine.

  17. Oh, and Meg - No game which fit in nicely with my lack of food/drink for the team, and my lack of desire to sit in cold rainy weather.

  18. For you own sanity may I suggest a No-Punctuation Wednesday? It sure helps me when I have a lot to blow on about (although my readers get their ears pinned back and probably cry).

    You poor thing! Also, I am not, nor have I ever been, a pot smoker, but I think I'd have to recommend it for days like yours right there. You'd have been sitting on the floor making pictures in the coffee puddle and trying to build ant trails out of salad dressing.

    I swear I'm not a pot smoker; I just play one on your blog.

    And high fives to Grandma J for this:

    "Your first mistake was packing a lunch."

    which made me make donkey noises. Again -- not a pot smoker. MWAHH!! Hope you are recovered!


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