Friday, June 26, 2009

Frivolous Friday

This is down Bethel Beach, a shot of the vast expanse of intricate waterways and marshlands which serve as the welcome mat to greet you as you approach the beach and the bay.

I must declare this a Frivolous Friday, because it is way too late in the night on Thursday to write anything but gibberish to be published today due to sheer and utter exhaustion brought on by an entire day of working outside in sweltering heat yesterday, which is today as I write this.

See what I mean? Can anyone dissect that sentence above without bursting into tears and pounding a fist repeatedly into the table? Can we just pretend I didn't write that, you didn't read it and that instead I just want to announce a contest?

Okay, good. Yes, let's do that.

Yesterday I received a most unexpected surprise. Out of the blue a company contacted me to donate a prize for a yet-to-be-named contest. Although not a winning lottery ticket or a year's worth of housecleaning, the prize will be different from my usual prizes in that it will actually exist. When asking people to participate in a contest, it's always important to have a prize which exists.

With any luck I'll run the contest on Monday, perhaps earlier if I get my act together. However, I'm also trying to organize a Blog Fest, acknowledge Middle Sister's July 7 wedding, juggle a few Other Things and make my house look as though humans occupy it and not animals. Oh, and also the Gwynn's Island Festival is Saturday, and CB Son and Daughter have to work a booth there, so Saturday is shot, albeit in a festive way. The Chesapeake Bay Sisters will also be in town, so I'll be busy power washing lipstick and chewing gum off my wine glasses.


In the spirit of frivolity, festivity and creativity, please give me some ideas for a contest. Name that Photo? Name that Fiddler Crab? Provide Compelling Reasons Why Chesapeake Bay Woman Should Keep Writing a Blog Even Though Writing is Really Nowhere To Be Found Unless Guests Write? What is the Meaning of Life?

Tell me your ideas.

Yours in exhaustion frivolity,
Chesapeake Bay Woman


  1. Wow, you have been busy...and the upcoming weekend is chock full of fun too.

    I have no idea about the contest..naming that vicious fiddler crab is a good idea.

    The next contest I have will be to name Grandma J's new knee...or her new brain cell....probably.

  2. Did you ever officially name that Heron?

  3. I may have missed the name announcement sometime during those 5 years I lost...

  4. GJ-I like the name that fiddler crab, too, and I have plenty of pics to draw from.

    Lynne-NO! I didn't ever pick the name for Name that Heron AND I never gave a prize. Actually I intentionally didn't call it a contest (I don't think) and left it rather open-ended as just a question - what would you name him? But this was the very thing I was thinking of when I mentioned it's nice to have a prize which exists...actually it's also nice to name a winner when holding a contest. See how unorganized I am?

    In any case, I like both ideas about naming Something. Maybe it could be "Name That Ant Colony."

    I'll keep thinking.

  5. CBW, hope you have a great time at the Island fest. Your pictures are wonderful, and make me homesick!

  6. Native Devil- Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy them. I figure if nothing else happens with this blog, I'll at least keep posting pictures, because that's so easy to do.

    Coming up with contests while trying to juggle a BLog Fest and the roller coaster called Life is not so easy.

    So good to hear from you, hope you're doing OK.

  7. He looks like a Willie to me.

  8. How about a lawn-mowing contest? I mean, the blog fest guest who mows your lawn best (or cleans your house/washes your car/makes the best breakfast etc etc), gets the prize...

  9. My creativity has packed up and moved out-of-state. How neat to be given a prize by a company! I'm impressed!

  10. Pueblo Girl - Excellent idea.

    JB-Good one, too.

    TSA- Based on the picture on your site today, I'd say your creativity's trip out of state got cancelled. It's beautiful.

    Right now, we're waiting on Middle Sister to show up. I've already lined up a power washer for when she smudges her lipstick all over the glasses.

    As usual, we have no idea if/when Baby Sister is arriving.

  11. Hey, linking over from BOSSY!

    Contest thought:
    Describe a frivolous and fun activity the readers and CBW can participate in while visiting Mathews.

    Points for good research and well thought out plans.

  12. This has been said before, but if you keep posting pictures like that, everyone will move to Mathews.

  13. Meg-A link from Bossy? As usual I'm in the dark. (p.s. Today UPS delivered a most wonderful surprise courtesy of Ms. Foolery, who has truly outdone herself in the category of Clever. We will certainly enjoy it at Blog Fest.)

    MMM-I believe you are quoting Chesapeake Bay Mother, who swears that people will flock here in droves just because I'm posting pictures and talking about this Paradise. She assumes more than two people are reading.

  14. CBW, sorry I didn't explain "link from BOSSY" earlier this week. It means when you leave a comment on, the link tracks back to your blog. That's how I discovered Life in Mathews!

    The blogfest looks like a blast. My sister in law lives in VA, I will have to check out Mathews next time I am down. It looks beautiful. Have fun!

  15. Your photos are ALWAYS gorgeous. And I DO want to move to Mathews. And that's the first thing I'll do when I'm the last remaining family member in Orland and I'm rich and famous from my career as a tightrope walker.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.