Thursday, July 2, 2009

Three Thing Thursday

This is from one of my favorite beaches: Emerald Beach in St. Thomas Aaron's Beach in Mathews. Monday evening I drove down there to snap some pictures and pick up some broken beer bottles sea glass. It was blowin' pretty hard (as they like to say around here) which kept away the horseflies and mayflies that normally dive-bomb trespassers beach goers this time of year.

Speaking of wind blowing and hot air, it's time for Three Ring Circus Thing Thursday, where I share three random things and you share three things, anything at all--whatever tickles your fantasy, as my Finnish friend likes to say.

My three things:

1. In preparation for Blog Fest, I made a list of things I need to do and things I need to acquire. The list is 6 pages long. Blog Fest is 2 weeks away. CBW's meltdown is 2 weeks minus 1 day away. The math and numerical portion of this post is now over.

2. Middle Sister gets married in Hawaii next Tuesday. Let's hope she doesn't leave her car keys in Hawaii like she did in Mathews this past weekend. In typical Chesapeake Bay Family Member style, she of course had no spares and had to leave her car at the Atlanta airport until I could overnight them to her. Except you can't overnight from Hudgins, VA--fyi. At least not unless you go first thing in the morning, rub a rabbit's foot and click your heels three times, all the while reciting, "This is the 21st century. This is the 21st century."

3. What are you doing for the 4th of July? There will be fireworks at Mathews High School, but nothing can compete with years past when boats would anchor right off Gwynn's Island to watch a spectacular display.

Now it's your turn. Three things. Or thirty three things, I don't care. Anything you want.

Happy Thursday. (Wasn't it just Thursday yesterday?)


  1. I love that picture and can't wait to experience the beaches there.

    My three things

    1. With blogfest two weeks away, I've made a list of things to take and things to maybe take.

    2. Waiting for the phone to ring and hoping it's the Dr. Bob the ortho with the ultimate solution for my whacking it off, because I really want to get down on my good knee and wax my floors.

    3. Did I say I can't wait for Blogfest and meeting my blogging friends?

  2. 1. I have almost convinced myself that traveling thousands of miles by car with a husband and four kids will be equally as rewarding for me as Blog Fest might have been.

    2. I haven't washed my kitchen floor in three weeks.

    3. I think the geeky guys who work at every GameStop in the country are kind of sweet. And if they would shower, they would be even sweeter.

  3. Hello,

    1) For all the runners out there, Mental P Mama for example, I recommend reading "Born to Run" by Christopher MacDougall...

    2) For all the runners and non-runners out there, might I suggest a Long Island Iced Tea by the shore, by the pool or in the tub...

    3) For everyone out there... so glad you're "out there"...

    Good day.

  4. 1. I envy your ability to pop down to the beach on a whim. How lovely! Another great photo! I am sure you will be just fine for blogfest. It will be great fun for you all. Just a pain with all the organizing and tidying bits.

    2. Happy Wedding Day to Middle Sis for next Tuesday. Are they coming to Australia for their honeymoon? Tell her to pop in if she does! Do people still have honeymoons? What a funny word.

    3. It is cold here, but I have had a great night running around at tennis to warm up. And now I have a sore foot. Bother!

    4. I better go to bed. And watch Wimbledon. Is it the ladies semis tonight?

  5. 1)Gettin' hitched next week for the first time at age 41.9. It's a wedding/honeymoon combo trip, Annie! :-) We'd love to swing by Australia, but probably won't this trip.

    2) Wishing everyone a safe and happy blog fest!...Can't wait to hear about it. It may take some of you a while to adjust, but remember, it's no frills livin' out there....but it's good livin'.

    3)Can't wait to turn over my workload to others today so that I can start my vacation!!!

    -Middle Sis

  6. Its raining

    My back ache refuses to stop

    Its raining

    Cannot wait for Blogfest

  7. 1. All the best to Middle Sis!
    2. I cannot wait for blogfest.
    3. Will those bugs be out of season by then?

  8. 1. I have two family gatherings this weekend, haven't cooked a thing.

    2. The painters won't be finished with the dining room until sometime tomorrow evening -- it's half full of unpacked boxes and we'll probably have company stopping by over the weekend.

    3. and I'm supposed to go to a birthday party on Friday for someone I don't really know -- 2 hours away -- 4 hour roundtrip. 4 hours of my life that I'll never get back!

    4. but on the bright side -- I won a prize!


  9. 1. I have a BlogFest list going too and am counting the days to this much-needed respite! First on the list? Guess. Give up? Wine. I know you knew that.

    2. I have a house full of in-laws, kids and nieces. I am at work now. In my office, one hour from home, not because I particuarly needed to be seated in my cubicle in order to work, but because... well, you know.

    3. In addition to the #2 crowd for Independence Day, we are bidding farewell to dear friends from our 'hood who are moving to OHIO for his work. So, this year's neighborhood shindig will be tinged with a bit of auld lang syne or something equally wistful in a dead language.

  10. 1. Bon voyage, Middle Sis!!!

    2. Middle Sis, why didn't you get married on the most beautiful beach in the world? That would, of course, be Haven Beach. That's where I got married, barefoot, with my dog present, at sun rise. Ahhhh....

    3. I would put the emphasis on good livin' here!

    4. My belly is getting big!

  11. 1. Middle Sis...when did you get to be 41? I don't believe it!! Congrats to you and your hubby to be. It seems like just last week we were climbing over the fence at the islander to into the pool.

    2. MMM, long island ice tea....mmmmmm can I have more than one? I wish I were by the ocean right now just watching the waves. Instead, I am sitting at my desk looking out the window to the parking lot and wondering why I don't have some rich long lost relative who can throw money my way so I don't have to work. Am I the only one with these fantasies?

    3. I am starting my weekend early. Off tomorrow and going to go to Harbor Fest in Norfolk where I will be dressed either as a pirate wench or if the bodice I ordered doesn't come in I will be in colonial period costume. Attending with a group that is performing there as pirates ARRRGGGGHHH. Never done this before, but am looking forward to it. Sounds sort of silly, but should be fun performing for the kids and crowds.

    Happy 4th of July to all!

  12. Everything will be fine for Blogfest and all will have a wonderful time...I am sure.

    1. Look in our direction around 9pm, we will be the ones on the beach with the illegal fireworks. If you see red and blue lights, that might be us too. I bet you can't see our end of the bay from there.

    2. Trying to decide what to make for dinner. Thought about going to the store up the road and then remembered the parking lot from the closure of the HRBT and decided to just suffer with what I have here.

    3. Blog Fest...Blog Fest...Blog Fest..can not wait.

  13. 1. Am thrilled MHS is doing fireworks again - we can see from our dock "good enough"
    2. Nothing will ever compare to watching them from the boat outside the Islander
    3. Hope the sun is shining and the fish are biting this weekend!

  14. Grandma J-Phillip Johnny Bob enjoyed a grand day at the beach today, fyi. Hope your knee feels better soon, esp. in the next two weeks....

    Caution Flag-I haven't washed my kitchen floor in 3 months. Or was it 3 years? Anywho, your trip sounds like quite the adventure, and will provide enough blogging fodder to carry you into the new year, which evidently begins next week based on how quickly time is flying by. Safe travels to you and your family.

    MMM-Rest assured we're out there. Your zeal for track and running is contagious, just as it was when you guided this misguided female through the intricacies of hurdling and jumping. BTW "Thank you" in case I never said it, which I hope I did.

    Annie-You and Middle Sis have tennis in common if not a honeymoon destination. Good for you for playing, but sorry about your sore foot. My solution for most things that hurt is a piping hot bath.

    Middle Sis: Safe travels and have the time of your life. Enjoy every moment.

    Daryl-The back still hurts? How awful. Just as bad-the rain. After the spring we've had that's the last thing you need on top of pain. A trip to Mathews may be just what the doctor ordered.

    MPM- Bugs are never out of season in Mathews. Nor are ants. Neither is grass that needs cuttin'.

    AMN-Safe travels to your 4-hr/round-trip destination. Don't worry about the cooking. Family gatherings...those two words conjure up anything but a *relaxing* time, however family gatherings are really what life is all about, in a nutshell. I hope you enjoy yourself and don't have to work too hard.

    Meg-Toss the list out the window except for the wine part. As long as you show up, everything else will be taken care of. Can't wait.

    Lynne M-Your wedding sounds perfect. Absolutely perfect. If you've not written about it yet, you should....and I could use it as a guest post.

    Msseabreeze- I am 44 years old and have lived more than half of those in this area and have never been to Harbor Fest. Will someone PLEASE be photographing you in your best pirate attire? Could you do a reenactment at Blog Fest? No matter, have a wonderful time in Norfolk. I love your spunk, always have.

    Living on the Spit-Hopefully no red or blue lights appeared among your fireworks. I glanced in your direction this evening but only saw the glare of the sparklers we had in our yard. Can't wait to see you in two short weeks.

    Anonymous-Watching fireworks from the Islander via boat was heaven on Earth. Tomorrow's post will talk about those days. Will try to muster the energy to make it to the high school Saturday night but no matter where else I've seen them, it's just not the same.

    Wishing you all a happy Idependence Day.

  15. That would be Independence Day, not Idependence.

    And who knows what else thanks to exhaustion and no spell check in the comment section....

  16. I'm supposed to WASH the kitchen floor -- what now?

    captcha code:


    "ain't nobody's binesses 'cep mah OWN"


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