Friday, October 9, 2009

Sanguine Moon

This is a blurred shot of the Islander and a huge moon which visited us earlier in the week. On Sunday I'll post a much better shot, but for today here's a glimpse of how gorgeous La Luna has been. So just glimpse at the moon and close your eyes when you scan the rest of the picture.

I always thought this was the harvest moon, but Wikipedia convinced me otherwise. Evidently the harvest moon is the full moon closest to the equinox in September, and the hunter's moon occurs in October. The calendar says it's October, so Sherlock CBW is going to say this is the hunter's moon.

Here's what Wikipedia has to say on the topic:

The Hunter's Moon (also known as Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon) is the first full moon after the harvest moon, which is the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox. *****!!!!

"The Hunter's Moon is so named because plenty of moonlight is ideal for hunters shooting migrating birds in Northern Europe. The name is also said to have been used by Native Americans as they tracked and killed their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead. The Hunter's Moon and Harvest Moon are not brighter, smaller, or yellower than during other times of the year, but all full moons have their own special characteristics, based primarily on the whereabouts of the ecliptic in the sky at the time of year that they are visible. The full moons of September, October, and November, as seen from the northern hemisphere — which correspond to the full moons of March, April and May as seen from the southern hemisphere — are well known in the folklore of the sky.

...All full moons rise around the time of sunset. The Harvest Moon and Hunter's Moon are special because - as seen from the northern hemisphere - the time of moonrise on successive evenings is shorter than usual.

...Thus there is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise, around the time of these full moons. In times past, this feature of these autumn moons was said to help hunters tracking their prey (or, in the case of the Harvest Moon, farmers working in the fields). They could continue tracking their prey (or bringing in their crops) by moonlight even when the sun had gone down. Hence the name Hunter's (or Harvest) Moon.

In the northern hemisphere, the Hunter's Moon appears in October or November, usually in October. Traditionally, it was a feast day****** in parts of western Europe and among some Native American tribes, called simply the Feast of the Hunter's Moon, though the celebration had largely died out by the 1700s. There is a large historical reenactment by that name in Lafayette, Indiana during the early part of October

*****!!!! The word "moon" is used six times in one sentence, and I didn't write this sentence, Wikipedia did. Why do I feel vindicated?

******There you have it, folks. Wikipedia is telling me that I must feast to keep the tradition going strong. That's my interpretation, anyway. Pardon me, I have some eating to do.

p.s. What do you think - is this a late Harvest Moon or the Hunter's Moon? Am I the only one who hadn't heard of Hunter's Moon before? Or, am I the only one whose brain revolted and dumped all functioning memory cells in a ditch somewhere between U.Va., Northern Virginia and Mathews a few decades ago?


  1. Harvest, Huinters..whatever. It's a beautiful shot either way. Great grab.

    Verification is 'mankeii' which is what us single women hope to harvest during the hunting season. Well, maybe.

  2. I say it is 6 am.. I am up I am off work how about i pick you up and we take a road trip LOL..

    Yea I am in that kinda mood.

  3. I thought it was a Harvest moon too..... just show you what I know!

    Do you think our lost brain cells are partying together somewhere exotic?

    Word verification: whamm. Just how I feel this morning. Whammed.

  4. a most beautiful capture...
    love the hue.

  5. Its the Hunter Moon .. the Harvest Moon was back in Sept, I missed it because the stupid NYC sky was filled with clouds .. grrrrrr.. oh and I have been told over and over and over .. night shots need a tripod or someone who isnt breathing holding the camera... and you know I dont ever listen

    Could you let Ann Marie come get you and bring you here .. there's an awesome crafts fair .. its not the Oyster Festival but its fun

  6. WOW! Awesome shot! Never heard of a Hunters Moon either.

  7. My name gets its origins from the Roman "Goddess of the hunt, being associated with wild animals and the moon." So, I guess I could say this is my moon! Glorious! Although the only thing that I really hunt is a bargain that will make me look good.

    Nice pic! Qwah!

    Middle Sis

  8. Middle Sis - My name means "goddess of January." I wonder if CB Mother had a theme of goddesses in her naming. That would leave Baby Sis as "Goddess of Lipstick."

    To everyone else - thanks for commenting. Sunday's shot should be better than this one only in that it's not blurry. It won't be as close up as this one though.

  9. NO!!!!!! For 20 years, I've been miseducating people about harvest moons. I may pretend I didn't read this. Rats.

  10. moon-schmoon, all I know is we always had to haul hay on the night of the homecoming dance when I was in high-school...perhaps so we could unload the hay by the light from the football field across the street???

    but seriously, that was a GORGEOUS moon and I'm so glad you got a shot of it.

    on an unrelated note, I was in the HS gym last night for the first time since Coach B retired and noticed that all the girls' track records except one were set by people I matriculated with and you (none set by me because I was SLOW). Anyway, they mis-spelled your last name! And since members of your family make up half the list on the banner, that's just too many typos for this country girl to stand.

    would you like for me to write a letter of complaint? 'cause I will.


  11. AMN-Yes, the final insult. You kill yourself to break records and then they misspell your name, that's my luck. Baby Sis stole some of my records, at least one. You're sweet for wanting to correct it, but I'm washed up, so it doesn't really matter how they spell it. They should just change it to Chesapeake Bay Has-Been.

    A+ on the use of "matriculate." My memory of that word got left on the side of I-64 somewhere between Charlottesville and here.

  12. What a shot! They are all worth howling over! Harvet moon, hunters moon, blue moons and moon pies!
    Happy Friday!

  13. WOW! I am so buying that brick house. I think the Worm Moon is in late winter. Maybe I'll be there for that;)

  14. Great shot. I was too lazy to get out and photograph the moon. And it was so beautiful.

  15. It was a beautiful moon and a great shot cbw...looking forward to Sunday's too!
    Must admit I have never heard of a Hunter's moon or a Harvest moon either for that matter, but then I didn't grow up on the right continent.
    Not that I remember much of anything that I was taught anyway.

    WV "scuffly" ..sounds cute to me.."she was a bit scuffly when she woke up in the morning"..sounds like me when I try to walk first thing!

  16. Love it. I really appreciate the work you put into this. You know how much I love all moons. I would say you are exactly right, Hunters moon makes sense. Thanks for this extra knowledge.

  17. I'm going with Beautiful Moon. Period.

  18. Now how sporting is it to shoot innocent birds out of trees as they SLEEP? I am doubtful.

    I think it was called Hunters' Moon because the hunters used the moonlight to slink back home after an evening of plucking birds and drinking grain alcohol.


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