Warning: Exceedingly long post follows in which Chesapeake Bay Woman proves once and for all that she has
Here is another shot from the recent foggy Saturday. After this, there's only one other picture from that morning I want to share, then I promise to move along to something
"Misty" was the first word that popped into my head after gazing at this last night. Unable to focus
It started with "I get misty," and then went to Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby; then I stopped by the memory of a college friend who used to imitate Sinatra. Then a strange smell came from the kitchen and I remembered chicken pot pies were baking. Or burning. Because I'd forgotten them.
After making sure no flames were licking the ceiling--this time--I came back and tried reigning myself back in to "misty." Misty of Chincoteague popped into my head. I love Misty of Chincoteague! I love the little island/town of Chincoteague for that matter. Where are we going for vacation this summer?
What, pray tell, does any of this have to do with the photo of a misty creek?
Knowing full well the answer, I then decided to do a google search on ADD since I always joke about having it.
Mind you, this is a self-diagnosis.
Imagine my
"Sara is quiet 40-year old woman with three kids. As a child she got average grades and was not a discipline problem. Her imagination was so vivid that she daydreamed a lot and
Sara has the rarest MBTI temperament: INFP. This temperament is associated with the
She is also a perfectionist, a trait associated with giftedness(no, that was Middle Sister), which is one reason she cannot seem to get started on the many artistic projects she dreams up in her head (Blog Fest movie, anyone? How about the reality TV show. Have I mentioned I want to sell photographs, do a calendar, give tours of Mathews and sell things on e-Bay?). Her natural tendency to think divergently causes her to be disorganized and her house is always a mess (Oh thank the stars above! Finally there is a medical explanation for the piles of clutter and clothes surrounding me! I truly am cleaning disabled.).
She has a strong tendency to blame herself and to try and meet everyone else's expectations, which is one reason she is so depressed. Her depression makes it even more difficult to accomplish anything, so a vicious downward cycle has left her feeling completely overwhelmed and worthless. She also has a fatty acid deficiency (who knew?) that became severe after her pregnancies, which has seriously increased her depression and inability to focus."
CBW's Remarks:
1. Holy
2. I am an INFP (introverted, intuititve, feeler, perceiver) on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. This is a test used for organizational development, and I've taken it a quazillion times all with the same result.
3. I am NOT some of that other stuff .
4. I've always said that after children I became progressively dumber and more scattered.
5. What is this fatty acid deficiency? Can it be cured by guacamole? How about McDonald's fish fillets? A bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken? Fritos? Please?
6. What's the number of the nearest trained medical professional? Is it Wine-One-One?
It's official. The internet says I have ADD. I'm going to McDonald's now to work on this serious problem.
Pass the french fries. And the fried chicken.
Oh I have a headache. I have whatever sydrome you get from reading details! All I needed was Misty and Chicken Pot Pies! See how shallow I am?
ReplyDeleteDid you know McRibs are back at McD's? My favorite sandwich.
Now I am all "Misty". I'm going for some guacamole and I will be making an appointment for a check up!
Again, my apologies for the ridiculously long post, complete with mind-numbing color scheme and strike-throughs, but when I just jokingly looked up ADD and saw this, I was floored - not that ADD applies to me, but that this particular example was so eerily familiar up to and including the myers-briggs thing of INFP.
ReplyDeleteOff to the paying job where at least now I'll know why everyone esle can sit there patiently and aall I want to do is anything else.
Ok, let's be serious for a minute. You've mentioned this before and I think that secretly, it's not really a joke to you. Maybe you should get it checked out. It's just that I can see it bothers you. And well, I just want you to be happy.
ReplyDeleteNo, it wasn't a ridiculously long post. I thought it was a good one.
Even more obscure is the XNFP for those who have no clue if they are introverted or extroverted and change on any given day (that would be I). In German "mist" is manure- random thought. And if guacamole can cure belly fat AND fatty deficiencies created by my offspring then it is truely manna from heaven
ReplyDeleteMcDonald's as the cure to your problems. . . Nice!
ReplyDeleteGAH .. I must have ADD because I couldnt focus long enough to read all those little red and green words ... sigh ... and the DMV online says I need to 'come back in 30 minutes,system is unavailable now' .. well in less than 3 seconds I will have forgotten I need to do this .... wait, your post wasnt about renewing your driver's license was it?
ReplyDeleteWV: shiensef ... like whatever ..
I think I may need a BC powder.