Sunday, February 14, 2010


Above is a shot of the creek at sunset, facing east. I love the pink hues in the sky and their reflection in the water.

Today is Valentines Day, when we're supposed to contribute to Hallmark's profit margins eat chocolate and reflect on love. We are supposed to eat chocolate, no?

So in honor of chocolate love, below are some quotes on the topic. My very favorite of all time is that last one, uttered by the most precious girl in the whole wide world.

"Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of Heaven. Fear in your mind produces fear in your life. This is the meaning of hell." - Marianne Williamson

"Where there is love there is life. Hatred ever kills, love never dies. Such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred." -Mohandas K. Ghandi

"A man is not where he lives, but where he loves." - Chinese Proverb

"He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Euripides

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." I Corinthians 13:4-8

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." -Jimi Hendrix

"I love you too much." - A then 4-year-old Chesapeake Bay Daughter to her mother, who loves her and her brother too much too.

Whether it's to a spouse, a significant other, a partner, a friend, a parent, a sibling, a child, an acquaintance or a random stranger, tell someone you love them.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you and the whole Chesapeake Bay family.

    I love all your quotes, but the last one by sweet CBD is the best!

  2. I want someone to love me, for who I am. I want some one to need me, is that so bad? :: Nick Jonas. One of the worst Days of the year for me. Wish I was still drinking.Give your love ones a hug for me. Let them know you love them every day, you never know when they won't be there! MM

  3. I. got. nothing.

    Watergirl gave me a cute little bear.. which is really cute.. and a coffee cup of chocolate. It was really really cute... before I could even let her know how much it was appreciated... an Ass Burger Storm hit the house..

  4. Love to all of you who write and follow Life in Mathews. That's what I could feel when I first read this blog from all of you, and I still want to be a part of it?

  5. Grandma J.-When she said it she might have even been younger than 4, maybe even 3, but she just looked up at me and said so sincerely that she loved me too much instead of so much, and it stuck.

    MM-We do love you for who you are. I might need your expert opinion on a leaking basement - don't need you to haul stuff off yet, but may need you to come see about where the leak is and how/who could fix it.

    AM-That's very sweet of the Water girl, sorry about the storm.

    NNG-Love you and your two men.

    ghostless-Happy Valentines Day & love to you, your animals and your husband. Still can't wait to meet Tonic. Drove by the Haven Beach house the other day and was so disappointed to see those red barns that I was hoping to legally trespass in, but we look forward to visiting you in your new home up in BHE's/NNG's neck of the woods.

  6. Had lunch out with my two Valentines today. As I told you last night, some things happen for a reason:) Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Meg-same to your family. Hope you're digging out from all the snow.

    BHE-It was good you were there to provide needed support. We need to schedule NYC Part II and another Blog Fest planning session.

  8. A very lovely post. kids say the loveliest things don't they?

    Love to you too. Hope you have had a great weekend. And you get a holiday tomorrow?

    Yes, it has been sad to miss you once again. I will just have to come back for blogfest. Already my daughter is asking when am I coming back! I haven't even left for home yet!

  9. Annie-We would LOVE to have you at Blog Fest. Plan a trip back to the US that includes the middle of July. You can bring the family if you want. Safe travels and Happy Valentines Day to you.

  10. Everyday should be a day when you say I love you to those you love ... chocolate is optional


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