Friday, March 19, 2010

Mathews Bloggers

At first this looks like a shot of a crowded, confused bunch of pine trees and vines still struggling with winter, but in fact it's a glimpse at that house lingering in the background ever so quietly and stoically.

In life we often find ourselves so distracted by the things around us that we forget to focus on what is really there.

This Deep Thought is brought to you courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Woman, who is running on doughnuts fumes.

No matter, what I'd like to do here today is introduce you to some local Mathews County bloggers, two of which are relatively new to the scene; all of which are well worth the visit.

Today for the four few readers who frequent this site, I have a request. Take a stroll over to the sites below and sit down for a spell. Give them a quick read and most importantly leave a comment if you would.

1. Native Devil (click here for a link to his blog) was one year ahead of me in high school. I remember him as one of the kindest, friendliest people in his class. About a year ago, Native Devil was not expected to live. About a year later, his story is nothing short of miraculous, even though he doesn't really want to dwell on it. His memories from living in Mathews are priceless (such as helping to put down an oyster walkway around the New Point Lighthouse) but his life after leaving Mathews is where the story just begins. Please give him a visit.

2. Fighting Mermaid (click here for a link to her blog called Mermaid or Waterbug) was just one (or two? who can remember back to the 1800's that far back?) grades below me in high school and was friends with my Middle Sister. One of my very first jobs was working on her mother's strawberry farm up at North. Although I'm pretty sure I didn't work there more than a day week or two, many life lessons were learned: Nothing is easy. Work is hard. Ladders can be steep. Fields can be sweltering hot. But you can do this and more while nibbling on all-u-can-eat strawberries, so life is good.

Fighting Mermaid recently reconnected with a special someone from her past, and after all this time they're better friends than ever and reflect what life with another person should really be about: acceptance, understanding, respect, friendship and unconditional love.

3. Of course I don't need to tell you about this person because she's a regular over here, but she comes from a long line of folks associated with the water, the lighthouse, museum-worthy workboats and more, which is to say that she's a member of royalty here in Mathews.

All that is well and good, but what I'm really here to tell you is that the girl can fry an oyster like nobody's fool, and don't even get me started on the hushpuppies, the succotash, the fried fish and deviled eggs. Pardon me while I lie down for the food coma that has just been induced by the mere mention of her cooking.

Life in Mathews County is different for everyone, but these people reaffirm my belief that growing up in this isolated community was a privilege and a gift. It was something very special and unique. In spite of our many differences, we speak the same language and understand one another. And it's all good.


  1. Ok spill it.. where is THAT house???
    And thanks for the shout out.. guess that means I need to start posting again.. :) Which I plan to do this weekend...

    Oh and guess what I am fixin' for dinner tomorrow night???
    No pampered chef party.. no one wanted to come to the germ invested ranch :)

  2. ...and I love how you can bring it all together and share it right here with the rest of us, plated on a silver platter. With fancy garnishes.

  3. You do set the gold standard for gracious hostessing. There must be something in all that Mathews water.

  4. I've been over to visit Native Devil, and I'll be back later to visit the others - as instructed. Right after I gag gently and go scrub of means, onto which Dog, feeling slightly neglected, has just deposited a freshly killed and eviscerated squirrel.

    Do you think he just wants me to cook it?

  5. He has also removed my ability to spell. It's my JEANS he's just dumped guts, gore and other urky stuff onto...

  6. WV: duckying

    I can go in a lot of different directions with this one. Didn't realy have anything to post.

  7. What fun .. I like your friends ... maybe they can join us in Gwynn's this summer ...

    WV outtors .. yes, she did she put them outtors because it was warm indoors

  8. Sigh. A magical place filled with magical people. Sigh.

  9. Seems I was wrong and the Pioneer Woman has a book coming out AND a movie. Oy vey!

  10. Will they be joining us this summer?

    wv: dolar I'll bet you a dolar that Ms. H. Gothic will be with us!

  11. Thanks for the shout out, CBW. I too want to know where that house is!!! Somewhere in the woods behind my place I remember an old house from the exploring days of my childhood...every now and then I want to go take a peak, but I usually think about it during hunting season and I don't do flourescent orange :-)

  12. wv-ian again - visited your friends, they are all blessed with grace.

    Oh, my dogs names are Earl and Cletus, even if they are snooty indoor dogs:)


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.