Monday, March 15, 2010

The Weekend

Friday night a strong storm passed through the county, bringing high winds and heavy rain along with it.

Saturday morning the rain continued, but by late afternoon, the clouds had parted and the sun came out to play.

Eager to take advantage of the break in the weather, I asked my best friend to drive me down to Bethel Beach, where the sunlight was simply brilliant. Isn't this dead tree gorgeous? Ordinarily it looks drab and dreary, but in the right light it takes on a whole new persona.

As I snapped pictures left and right I noticed something very unusual off in the marsh. Evidently a boat that is rigged to serve as a duck blind broke loose during the storm and washed waaaaay up in the marsh. So if anyone's missing a boat, it's at Bethel Beach.

The weather was so warm I was able to kick off my shoes and walk on the beach barefoot. It was heavenly.

On Sunday, Chesapeake Bay Woman completely forgot to set her clocks an hour ahead for Daylight Savings Time and didn't remember until twenty minutes before she was due in Urbanna for a Blog Fest planning meeting with Big Hair Envy and Noe Noe Girl . Because she was late and extremely flustered over losing that precious hour she forgot to bring her camera and anything to write on.

Regardless, we giggled, ate fried oysters and drank wine had a blast very productive meeting, and there's no doubt in my mind this year's event is going to be even better than last year's.

Hopefully one or both of them will share pictures and details from our meeting, because Chesapeake Bay Woman is still trying to recover from the shock of losing an hour of her life.

I suppose that's better than losing a boat.

Or is it?


  1. It's ever so much better losing an hour of your life than losing a boat. And I think your dead tree with the sun shining on the gray bark is lovely. I look forward to seeing it in real life this summer. Just let us know what to bring.
    (can't sleep that's why i am up so late)

  2. Evidently no one informed my internal clock of the change so I lay here reading blogs on my cell. Oy!

  3. I think Bethel Beach just might be my favorite spot on the planet! I seem to have lost that hour several times by not changing my clocks. It keeps catching me by surprise.

  4. OH my.. I hate i missed the oysters and wine.. oh err I mean meeting. Please let me know what I need to do to help.
    We are back home safely.. in Mathews, not healthy just safe. Drake has as fever of 102!!! it was 103.6 last night. I give up.. towel has been thrown in.
    Miss you.

  5. Was there any of that Urbanna shrimp salad??

  6. I hope that boat's got a chip so its owner can find it like Annie's pal Ed/Edna

    I changed the clocks at 3 ayem on Sunday morning because I had terrible leg cramps so I was up walking them off .. hey if you're up ...

  7. What a FUN day!! Two weeks, you say? That sounds about right;)

  8. Meh, don't worry, you'll get it back in October.

    I'm getting so excited for warm weather and JULY and Blogfest!

  9. The waters look restless in that picture.

    I can hardly wait for the festivities to begin. My fav part is roaming around Mathews, the beach, chewing the fat, Gustaf, and the hot tub.

  10. It was another one of those "best evah" days! Kinda like losing a boat! yeah!

  11. I think we should stop the time changes forever!

    I hope I look as good as that tree when I'm dead.

  12. I didn't realise the clocks had changed until two hours before Son's birthday party. Or as I discovered, ONE hour before.......

    And the passport / visa saga continues. Current score? Immigration: 27, Mrs F : 0

  13. Year in, year out, you can guarantee that I don't know about the clocks going backwards or forwards. How do other people know?

  14. CG-There's even more to the tree story - I didn't particularly think it was noteworthy but my BFF pointed it out, so to be polite I snapped some photos. As it turns out, they were the best of the day.

    Maria-It does take some getting used to. At least you can read the blogs lying down, I have to sit chained to a computer.

    Fighting Mermaid - Hey there and thank you for commenting. It's always nice to have another local to contribute to my ramblings. HOpe you'll come back to the Comments Section soon. (You should consider coming to Blog Fest,seriously.)

    AM-Ugh. Hope he improves, poor guy.

    MPM-We were a stone's throw from that shrimp salad, daggone it. I forgot about it.

    DAryl-Leg cramps? Bananas, potassium, water - there's nothing more painful in the middle of the night, unless you count labor pains, which is another story entirely.

    BHE-Yes, two weeks. We need to keep up the momentum--and the oyster eating.

    Meg-Me too, and they're both just around the corner.

    Grandma J. - One of the highlights for me was seeing you in the hot tub with CB Mother and Bayman, truly a good time.

    NNG-It was, and your wonderful husband, CW, is something else for that gesture he made even though he wasn't actually present.

    CF-I'm right there with you, they should just stop it and see how it goes. Try it on for size.

    Mrs. F. - Re the time change and your hour or two, thank you. Just thank you! I thought I was the only one. Regarding the visa, we do need to change that score, it's awfully lopsided.

    Pueblo Girl-Yours is the twenty thousand dollar question. Because if it isn't posted on one of the blogs I read, I don't know about it.


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