Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Ham

This picture from Haven Beach was taken on a day almost as cold as it was at yesterday's Farmers Market at Mathews Court House.

Chesapeake Bay Daughter and I had a great morning selling daffodils there, despite the fact that I we didn't know what I was we were doing.

We met quite a cast of characters--literally. The vendor across from us was a member of the Screen Actors Guild who has danced with Sandra Bullock and performed in a number of western films. I'll post a picture of him and the maker of the world's finest bloody mary mix as soon as I have an opportunity to upload the photos.

Chesapeake Bay Daughter did a fabulous job of selling our daffodils. We sold our entire inventory by 11:00, and the Gazette Journal took her photo. Contributing to those overall sales was another Mathews County blogger, who had never been to the Farmers Market before, but who now vows to come back because of all the fun and frivolity that goes on there.

All in all it was a great day, up until the point I accidentally baked a piece of jewelry underneath a spiral sliced ham.

After the Farmers Market, hoping for a jump start on Easter Day preparations, I shoved two hams--and evidently an ill-fitting pinky ring--into a baking pan under tin foil for 2-3 hours at 250 degrees, before applying a maple-brown sugar glaze and subsequently jacking the heat up to 375 for another 30 minutes or so.

FYI- If Chesapeake Bay Woman ever invites you over for Easter dinner, politely decline and make mention of the fact that you've already exceeded the recommended daily allowance of silver or any other precious metal.

Happy Easter.


  1. I am very impressed with CBDaughter's salesmanship. And, um, was the ring debacle due to some sampling of the Bloody Mary potion?

  2. Happy Easter CB Family!
    Boy, talk about bad timing...I did not have a good dial up connection yesterday and missed the post. We go to the Farmers Market around noon (sheer coincidence...I had not planned on going but wanted to find the lady that does those neat mussel wreaths). Missed you, but decided to stop by your house to get daffodils for the restaurant. (I guess I owe CBD some money!).

    Son is upset about missing the CH egg hunt so I am now having a hunt at 10am at the restaurant (All are welcome so come on over!). CB children are welcome to come to restaurant any day to sell daffodils there! Who could resist CBD's sunny smile and salemanship??!!

    I am informed by my loyal regular customers that I WILL be having Happy Hour today so come sit on the porch with Sis and Bayman if you have a few minutes to kill.


  3. Happy Easter your CB family and you darlin CBW!
    hope your day is full of joy, chocolate and of course wine....

  4. MPM-The Bloody Mary sample was alcohol-free but DELICIOUS, and in fact may be the official morning beverage of Blog Fest.

    NOt So Anonymous Hallieford Resident and Family: Thank you for the lovely evening tonight.

    KD-Thank you, I hope yours was too. I can actually say that today was filled with joy for a variety of reasons. It was a good day.

    Have a great week, and remember to laugh a lot. It's good for the soul.

  5. I'm salivating all over my keyboard...I love a baked ham. The pinkie ring is an added bonus.

    Are we doing the Farmer's Market at blogfest?


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