Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Day Off

This inviting pair of chairs sits at the end of a dock down Redart way. I'd love to be sitting in those chairs right now, with nothing to do except study the back of my eyelids. Carefully.

But there is no relaxing here in Chesapeake Bay Woman's household even though it's Saturday. No indeed.

The list of things that must be accomplished today is overwhelming, so this weekend the posts will be short and sweet.

Please keep your applause down to a dull roar and refrain from stampeding to get to the X in the upper right hand corner, which assures a swift and painless exit from this post.

Instead of droning on about nothing in particular, I'd like to toss some questions your way. Feel free to answer one or all of them, or just leave a random comment related to nothing at all. Whatever works.

Here goes:

What household responsibilities did you have as a teenager?

What, if anything, will you be doing Memorial Day weekend?

If you could be anywhere with anyone, where would you want to be and with whom?

Complete this sentence: The one person I can count on to always encourage me is ______.

Enjoy the weekend and spend as much time as possible sitting in an Adirondack chair at the end of a dock in a sheltered little cove with no one around but the birds.

Even if it's only in your dreams.


  1. Oh, a day off to do absolutely nothing, because there is nothing that needs to be done? It'll never happen but it sure is nice to dream about!

    As for the Q&A portion of this entry...

    When I was a teenager, I was responsible for cooking dinner every night. As a result, I'm not a big fan of cooking as an adult. I also had to do my own laundry, occasionally clean the house, work part time, and I was in a handful of clubs at school.

    Good grief just looking at that makes me tired! Where did my energy go!!!!!

    I have no clue what we will be doing Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully staring at the backs of our eyelids LOL

    If I could be anywhere, it would be home with my family. The longer I'm here in California, the more I long for home.

    The one person I can always count on to encourage me is my uncle's girlfriend, Linda. She's such a sweet, nice person. She shows genuine interest in me, and always wants to see me be happy. I love that about her.

  2. I don't envy your day, my friend. But I'm sure you'll get it all done and there will be an adirondak chair waiting to scoop you up. I love questions. Usually.

    What household responsibilities did you have as a teenager? Oddly enough, we didn't have any. When I began working, however, my mother wanted me to 'pay' for my room and board, which I did.

    What, if anything, will you be doing Memorial Day weekend? No plans yet.

    If you could be anywhere with anyone, where would you want to be and with whom? In Maine with my husband and some friends.

    Complete this sentence: The one person I can count on to always encourage me is my sister, Char.


  3. Ohhhh, relaxing. I'd like some of that, eyes closed or not.

    I'm sure I felt very hard-done-by as a teenager, but just the usual, vacuuming, ironing, dishwashing, tidying; dog walking/training/brushing - but they were MY gundogs; horse grooming/feeding/exercising; several part-time jobs to PAY for the dogs and horses...

    When is Memorial Day?

    I'd be in New Brunswick, taking my family with me, have my parents visiting, sitting on the porch, watching the sea.... because I don't need a passport for THAT, right?

  4. Not really sure what a day off a teen I did anything my parentals wanted me to do I was an only child.... my kids do squat!! If I could be/go anywhere it would be Big Sur I seem to be missing it alot lately but will settle for New Point Island for the big weekend!!! Re seems to be the only person who can give me any encouragement lately!!!

  5. Here I sit dillydallying prolonging the inevitable, but I justify by saying that in order to function properly I must be fully caffeinated, and that takes a bit of time.

    Like Mrs. F. I took care of animals mostly - a stubborn pony named Thunder. Fed her grain, tied her out for grass, hauled water (because I could never find the hose). Picked hooves; currycombed coat. Sprayed her to keep horseflies away in the summer. Gave her salt licks and hay in the winter.

    I also had to babysit my sisters, who were also stubborn, and occasionally I cooked--which was really more of a hardship on everyone else than on me. (Reference when I served sisters half-cooked sausage...and another time D-con rat poison at a pretend tea party.)

    Memorial Day I will be on the Eatern Shore camping, praying that there is no tsunami. The last time I was there an unannounced storm nearly blew us out of there. Things like that always happen when I go on vacation.

    If I could be anywhere? I'm not sure. For now I'll say anywhere but here, with all the chores completed and tasks done and no projects looming overhead. And some good food and wine.

    My encouragement comes from the internet. (Just kidding. Sort of.) No, mine comes from a variety of courses: friends, children, etc. I often struggle to accept (or even believe) the encouragement, which is another issue entirely.

    Look how much real estate I can take up in my own comments section. Speaking of issues...

    Have a great Saturday.

  6. My dyslexia/ADD/brain problems caused me to say "a variety of courses," when I meant to say "a variety of SOURCES."

    Back to the coffee pot.

  7. Both parents worked, so I had to cook dinner, have it on the table by 4:10 pm,then clean the kitchen (it had to be dad inspected it), do laundry, sew my own clothing and take care of the animals. During growing season, I had to work in the garden and help put up enough food for the winter. My dad's motto - do it yourself or do without..I'm a slob now:))

    No plans for Memorial Day..hubby has too many health problems right now.

    I would be at Cherry Grove Beach with my hubby and family. Well, any beach would do..just by the water.

    My hubby is one person who encourages me! Having a bit of a deep depression now, he understands. Internet helps too

    Wishing you a happy Sausage Lycra Pig Roast kinda weekend!

  8. I was a regular Cinderella in my house, even had to take care of my snot-nosed younger siblings... really just the typical vacuuming, mucking stalls....

    I am going to Deltaville Memorial Day Weekend I plan on drinking wine and sitting on some chairs somewhere near the water

    I would like to be just about anywhere with a former best friend who I haven't spoken to in almost 9 years

    The person I can always count on to encourage me is my friend Jane.

  9. What household responsibilities did you have as a teenager?- I mowed what seemed like acres of lawn... it was a riding mower, though. My mom did the "trim mowing" where the tractor wouldn't go. I also weeded what felt like acres of garden, which we called a "truck patch." Beyond that, I really didn't have much, I guess - helping in the kitchen around mealtime and oh yeah, we started doing our own laundry around 7th or 8th grade.

    What, if anything, will you be doing Memorial Day weekend? Heading to the Outer Banks to mooch off of my generous aunt, who's renting a place big enough for all 5 of us, plus her one daughter who is returning next week from a year in New Zealand, plus our first cousin. The adult-to-child ratio will be favorable for grown-up hijinx, and all we have to do in return is provide one dinner. And she wouldn't even require that, but I insist.

    If you could be anywhere with anyone, where would you want to be and with whom? See question #2 above.

    Complete this sentence: The one person I can count on to always encourage me is ______. I have a few, but the awesome aunt described above has never been anything less than supportive and wonderful.

  10. What household responsibilities did you have as a teenager? The usual. I was THE best kitchen cleaner-upper ever, by my own judgment. Never learned to cook until my 30s, though, and only because the husband didn't find cereal or a pot of brussels sprouts attactive for dinner.

    What, if anything, will you be doing Memorial Day weekend? Driving the 11-12 hours to Las Vegas to visit my brothers and to celebrate Sparky's (and another cousin's) birthday. With two children and my parents in the car, how could I go wrong?

    If you could be anywhere with anyone, where would you want to be and with whom? Outside a hotel room door ready to collect hush money from Tiger Woods.

    Complete this sentence: The one person I can count on to always encourage me is The Internutz.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.