Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Pair

Above is a No Trespassing sign in the swamp at Bethel Beach.

Below is a No Trespassing sign in the swamp at Bethel Beach.

The End.

OK, not quite, but almost.

Here lately, I've been noticing pairs of photos that contain similar elements yet retain their individuality. Is it possible for inanimate objects to retain individuality or is that only a concern for twins and triplets?

There is humor--and even beauty--to be found in No Trespassing signs in the swamp at Bethel Beach, and that humor involves knee-deep creek mud, killer/mutant fiddler crabs, snakes, horse flies, mosquitoes and dead bodies who knows what else.

In short, the very last place a person would be caught trespassing is in the swamp at Bethel Beach.

The End. For real.

If you are bored and/or are feeling creative, list some reasons--besides hunting illegally or hiding a body--that anyone would want to trespass in a swamp.


  1. The only reason I can think of that someone would want to trespass at Bethel Beach would be to take photos of No Trespassing signs. *wink wink*

    Side Note: The word trespass always reminds me of The Lord's Prayer.

  2. Stills,stolen cars, asparagus patches,stolen cars,pot plants stolen cars get the picture. what ever you put out there (Im not saying I put anything out there, I don't think) it will sink just to be dug up later. MM

  3. Nope, can't think of a thing. Except to hide a body, perhaps? It's OK, Gustav, I'm NOT talking about your, doubtless substantial, corpse.

  4. I read, "A Pair," and my mind went right to the gutter.

  5. Eons ago the NY Daily News weekend edition had a photo series just like this .. so thanks for the memory jog and for these neat pix ...

    WV - trakety ... its the sound the trains make as they go along the track .. trakety trakety trakety ..

  6. There are many reasons to trespass in a swamp. I just can't think of any.

  7. You might trespass if you were looking for a swamp monster! Or if too much wine was consumed. Or if you were running from the law. I'm leaving now!

  8. Hey, I've walked through swamps before, way back when Chris Columbus was sailing the seas and I was working on a biology degree. Only saw a couple of old abandoned stills, snakes, muskrats, snakes, crawdads and muck. Who would ever choose to walk thru a swamp is nuts. 'nough said.
    Interesting pics!

  9. Just the other day I was trespassing in a swamp - we call them bogs here. Well actually, I call them bogs, everyone else calls them pantanos. Clearly I was there because I had a death wish and wanted to be bitten to death by mosquitos, why else would anyone go?

  10. oh and I will trade you a white raspberry for a blueberry...

  11. Last time i was out there i was lookin for my shoes...


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