Sunday, June 27, 2010

Silent Sunday

Here we have another beautiful Queens Creek sunrise.

Well, it's Sunday once again. Ordinarily, I'd be approaching this day with dread and apprehension. Not that I have anything against Sundays, it's just that they precede Monday, which is the worst day of the week, followed by Tuesday and then every other day except Saturday Wednesday.

But today I welcome Sunday with open arms and a great big smile because I have tomorrow off! Now, that does not mean that I will be relaxing, no, of course not. There's grass to cut and beds to weed, but at least I won't have to drive in to work.

Hello, Sunday, come on in and make yourself comfortable. May I bring you a cold drink and a cheese plate? Here, sit down and relax. It's been a while, we have a lot of catching up to do.

Hope you enjoy your day to the fullest. I know I intend to.


  1. I'm so glad for you. Happy Sunday. Is it time for margaritas yet? Oh, no, it's bedtime. Nighty-night, CBW.

  2. Happy Sunday! Come over and play (or watch) cornhole...and bring the kids! I intend to sit back, eat a burger and drink an ice cold Honeymoon....but I think I can find you a little wine.


  3. This news makes me extremely happy. Enjoy!

  4. Yeah! Think of me tomorrow driving my hour to work! Enjoy your day off. I love Mondays off the best!

  5. I will certainly enjoy my Sunday, right after I cajole 3 stinky boys into the shower and pack a week's worth of stuff for each of them and drive them two hours north to turn them over to my in-laws for the week!

  6. Have a great day!! I'm bringing a margarita machine;)

  7. Wow! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy your Sunday and your Funday!

  8. I'll be herding a gazillion Swaledale sheep, and lambs. Perhaps as a special sweaty treat, drenching the lambs, too, if we can gather them off the high fells before dark. Golly, I love coming to my mothers for a nice long rest.

  9. I took a two hour nap today. THAT constitutes a perfect Sunday in my book;)

    Can't wait to see that sunrise up close and in person!

  10. I was so social this weekend I gained 5 lbs and never got to visit my BBBs ... best blogging blisters ...

    Birthday lunch, not mine, on Saturday and then brunch on Sunday with someone I had been avoiding now I am not sure why since we had a very nice time ... and of course errands and beautification™


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