Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Tentative Plan

For those who have not yet visited the Blog Fest website, below is the latest and greatest information coming out of thin air Blog Fest Headquarters, Mathews County:

Tentative, Completely Flexible Schedule of Events
(Emphasis on "tentative" and "flexible.")


3:00 – 6:00 Arrivals; Wine and Cheese at CBW’s house

6:00 – 9:00 Opening Remarks (CBW/BHE/Gustav the Goose, etc.) and Dinner/Shrimp Boil. Locals including Mathews Mark will be in attendance despite claims of having a date with a fishing pole. I've also invited Hallieford Jim and his wife and a few others who hopefully will be able to make it.

Basically, if you are local and you're reading this, you're invited to attend and bring the family. The more the merrier. This holds true for any/all other Blog Fest activities. Please join us.


9:00 – 10:00 Coffee and Continental Breakfast at CBW’s house

10:00 – 2:00 Tour A – Mathews Tour (Mathews Mark? Are you listening?) with Lunch at Court House or
Tour B – King and Queen Tour with Lunch at Shackelfords

(We will discuss these options Thursday night.)

2:00 – 5:00 Free Time (Shopping; Napping Gwynns Island Museum if time, etc.)

5:00 – 6:00 Happy Hour at CBW’s House (Margaritas)

6:00 – 8:00 Dinner at Sandpiper Reef
(Dear Anonymous Hallieford Resident: I need to make a reservation. Hopefully you can accommodate us. Because one attendee has respiratory struggles, we'd like to sit indoors if possible, I won't know the number until Thursday night, but plan on about 20?)

8:00 - ? Karakoke and Margaritas at CBWs House


9:00 – 10:00 Coffee and Continental Breakfast at CBWs house

10:00 – 12:00 Boat Tour

12:00 – 1:00 Sea Breeze for lunch

1:00 Gwynns Island Museum for those who wish

2:00 - ? Gwynns Island Beach including fun in the sun (and shade);
Cornhole Tournament; Boat Rides ;
Cookout; Bonfire; Fun and Frivolity


9:00 Breakfast at CBWs house

The End.

Ongoing activities:

Tours of Noe Noe Girl's Camper
Tales from Mathews Mark
Tours of Chesapeake Bay Mother's Garden
Boat excursions Up the Creek
Gustav Appearances and Autograph Signings
Fiddler Crab Infestations
Mosquito Swatting

This schedule is subject to change depending on the weather, the whims of the attendees and Gustav the Killer Goose, who may have plans of his own for this group.


  1. Fishing pole, fishing pole were the HELL is my fishing pole. I don't do well in crowds, I can't sing, Ya'll have heard most of my story's so why in the world would I want to attend the gathering of Blogger's (HEY i SPELLED IT RIGHT). Because my good friend CBW asked me to, and thats just the way we do things here in Mathews. Oh, and I get to meet all my new friends (some that help keep me in check)looking forward to a big old hug from all of you!! and maybe a ass nibble from the wacko goose.
    My plans are flexible. What would you like to do? here are some options 1. tour Pookies place great grand fathers place other hot spots. Meet some of the 505 club members (great historians). of course we will sit down at dinner and have fun no questions are off limits!And for you late nighters,maybe a trip to some haunted spots(must be able to run, have a strong heart and like living on the edge a little, oh and night vision would help!)If you have any special needs or request please email me or CBW and I will take care of it. looking forward to meeting all of you hope I don't disappoint.MM

  2. Let me know what I can bring for Thursday's dinner. Still planning on getting into Deltaville Wednesday night around 9pm, earlier if I don't have much going on at work.

    MM- when I read your comment about the big hug, ass nibble came next and the "from the wacko goose" was on another line... I thought it was going to be an very interesting dinner....

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time. But we will be in a cabin at Gatlinburg, doing as much or as little as we want, depending on mood. We are all looking forward to it, but Mrs. Native Devil is exhausted from the last 20 months as a caregiver. Please remember her in your prayers. I will REALLY miss seeing all of you.

  4. MM, you have convinced me to start hitchhiking, seeing there will be hugs, historians and haunted places to enjoy. I can bring you a fishing pole. Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse?
    Also can bring shine, name your flavor (optional, all flavors are good), oh and night vision. I have boys ya know.
    CBW, do you still need an all-round cleaner, cooker and yard person? I'm free...always

  5. Mark-You do just fine in crowds, i've seen you in action at the restaurant on live music nights. You will love these ladies, and they'll love you. You cannot disappoint, it's just not possible. THANK YOU for helping me.

    Jamie-You don't have to bring anything except yourself. Can't wait.

    ND-Enjoy your much-deserved vacation in beautiful Gatlinburg. Hope to see you and your wife soon.

    Deborah - Yes, you're hired. No need to hitchhike, I'll send someone to retrieve you. Start packing, including both Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse fishing poles. Crab nets are helpful too.

    Going to see my partner in crime Big Hair Envy later today. Can't wait.

  6. Cornhole is harder than it looks.. just saying.

  7. Wait. Why is napping crossed out?

    Also - I have to admit a wee amount of disappointment that "shenanigans" is not on the list of ongoing activities. Just sayin'.


  8. Damn that Chinese bot stole my comment I was going to say that.

    See MM I can be goofy/senseless in addition to being a meanie who mocks (never in a cruel way).

    I think this sounds super .. and I cannot wait .. I am getting a neon pink pedi tomorrow ...

  9. I'll see your pink, Daryl, and raise you a bright shiny orange.

  10. MM, you had better be there!!! We need stories!!! Better yet, bring Ms. Pookie:) CBW - I miss you already....time goes by WAY too fast, doesn't it???


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.