Thursday, July 1, 2010

Three Things

Welcome to Three Thing Thursday, which is where we share three things, however random or ridiculous they may be. Actually the more random and ridiculous the better, come to think of it.

Random and Ridiculous - that would make a great t-shirt or bumper sticker. I need to start writing these down...

Let's get it started.

1. Today's photos are brought to you courtesy of the Gwynns Island bridge at sunset. I cannot tell you how many dreams I've had about this bridge (as well as the Coleman, where I've almost died a thousand deaths). Somewhere I read that bridges represent relationships, so I suppose when you dream that the ground beneath you has given way and you're plummeting a million feet, only to be hurled into a cauldron of swirling current, you're dealing with a particularly troubled psyche relationship and probably can confidently cross that person off your Christmas card list.

How about that dream where you're at the bus stop and you get on the bus wearing your pajamas, or worse you're naked? Please don't tell me what that one means, I don't want to know but I have it at least once a week.

2. My darling babies (daughter, 11, and son, 14) are getting braces and now I'm officially broke and need a fourth job and the thought of anyone doing anything to their teeth is killing me. Even though it's for their own good, it kills me. I'm even overly protective when they tell me for the fifteenth time in a year they need to have x-rays.

3a. As of today, I am officially on vacation until Monday the 12th of July! This is perhaps the most fabulous sentence I've ever written on this blog. I'm not going anywhere on this staycation because I have to pay for braces and other things like food and electricity but will spend time making lists of things to do to prepare for Blog Fest.

3b. Since technically it's time off from the paying job, the kids are out of school, and I don't really have to do anything except breathe and feed a few or six cats, a vacation, instead of completing the tasks on the list, I will play on the internet until the wee hours of the night, sleep until 10 the next morning, drink wine in the orange juice glass and cereal bowl before five if I want, and make fun of Gustav the Killer Goose next door. To me that is a vacation. Truly.

Now it's your turn to share three things.

Remember the name of this blog the game: random and ridiculous.


  1. 1. I used to have dreams that the bridge to Gwynn's Island was washed out, it was a terrible storm, and I had to get across somehow. Of course, I can't swim, so that made it a real nightmare. I also used to dream of a large stone cross bobbing in the water near the shore, and no one knew why is was there.
    2. Both kids have had to have braces, so we have been paying $150 a month for year. I think we only own $800 more.
    3 I will have to come to Mathews after BlogFest--gonna be in Gatlinburg JUne 10-17. I rromise to bring donuts if somebody can fix a few crabs!!

  2. I need to go to bed--should read years of brace payments, and the Gatlinburg trip is JULY 10-17th
    As Red Skelton used to say, "Good night, and may God Bless".

  3. Nativedevil-I'll be contemplating the bobbing cross at G.I. for a while - very interesting. Please let us know when you'll be here and we will have the crabs ready. Bring lots of doughnuts. My favorite flavor is all of them.

    You will love Gatlinburg. The Smokies are really something. Cades (sp) Cove is a very interesting historical stop. Spent several weeks in that area back in 2004.

  4. 1. I'll be spending the evening of the Fourth on top of a parking garage at the mall in the middle of the city watching multiple fireworks shows. It makes me miss sitting on the beach at the Islander.

    2. I'm going to be 31 in 6 days. Ugh.

    3. But I have presents to unwrap, yay!

  5. 1.Gwynn's Island bridge has been repainted 12 times. It has had cement replaced 6 times I have more information, and story's but not gona tell ya.
    2. I have a lot of pictures of this glorious old bridge, but not gona show ya.
    3. Cheerleader's really?
    4. I'm a cantankerous, vindictive old bastard today. still love ya though!

  6. 1. I can fix Nativedevil up with his crabs..
    2. I am glad you are on staycation... I have missed you.. I need to see you I will come staycation with you sometime during that time
    3. I will sign my name anywhere you want it..
    4. Gustuav hooked me up .. this is a bad thing.

  7. 1. I wonder what the height clearance is at a nice high tide.

    2. I am at work way too early, but on the flip side, I am leaving work early to head south to the "Ville"

    2b. I am sooo looking forward to being in Deltaville until Monday. I might not go home and probably would save money by staying until after Blogfest... then again I wouldn't be making any money either...

    3. Thinking I need to get the family to check out Sandpiper Reef this weekend

  8. I always think of the Islander when I cross this bridge. I have a
    lot of good memories of that place.

    We had a good time at Busch Gardens on Tuesday and are looking forward to Water Country tomorrow.

    4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. Good food and fireworks. Love it. Freedom rings on!!

    Happy vacation CBW Vacation defined as a break from the norm and doing what you want to do for a few days!

  9. 1. I keep having a dream where I am babysitting baby bears and I keep them in a fish tank. Under water.
    2. I am soooo happy you have this vacation time!
    3. The braces thing isn't too bad after the money bit...they get to change the colors when they tighten them....

  10. 1. Peach freezer jam is wonderful even if it is a bit runny.

    2. There is nothing quite like new car smell. I can't wait to smell my new car which is coming soon!

    3. I had braces but the orthodonist was a jerk and my teeth have moved since they came off. I should probably have braces again but . . .

  11. 1. I love staycations.
    2. We have only one in braces. $$$$
    3. Enjoy your staycation!

  12. I had braces, arent my teeth fab looking? HA! The entire top is now a permanent bridge, unlike the bridge to Gwynn's it never get painted or recemented ...

    What no donuts at BlogFest?

    And you know you could drive up north while you are on staycation... you can stay here and have wine in an OJ glass .. ToonMan does it all the time

  13. 1.) Your bridge pic is now my desktop at work!

    2.) When we came by the other day, it was the first time I'd piloted a skiff in a decade or so.

    3.) I've also had a trouble-on-a-bridge dream, except in my case it was the Coleman. I dreamed I drove my truck over a ledge into a construction area & had to crawl back on a ledge. Eek!

  14. Yay! John D. is commenting! You did a marvelous job piloting that skiff, may I add. You had some mighty precious cargo in there too. That was a lot of fun. Y'all need to come by here again soon.

  15. 1. I need a clearance sign, too, only mine would be horizontal. I'm rather clumsy and tend to thrash about.
    2. Shopping list: heavy whipping cream, salt, ice. Homemade ice cream for 4th of July. Fresh himalaya berries if their ripe yet...
    3. Gustav Ring Toss -- think about it. Bonus points if you get in in his open hissing mouth.

  16. 1. Today is the first day of my retirement.

    2. My cats did not understand it when I told them and insisted I should get up at 4 AM, they know what day of the week it is.

    3. I have not accomplished much on my to do list today, is that what retirement is all about?

    Postcard Cindy

  17. 1. It has been a random and ridiculous day, began when I woke up suddenly. I'd been dreaming I was having a panic attack, woke up and had another one. What a way to start out a day...

    2. No braces here now, thank goodness. We did have to buy a radiator for our delicate van. Now we have to find someone to install it for less than a 'nomimal egg' (wv for arm and leg). Looking forward to next month, we get to buy tires then.

    3. Enjoy your staycation, CBW! I can't wait till the year I can come. Probably will be in 2030..having one that summer?

  18. Because we've spent all evening whipping The Boss's new room into shape, (1) my lower back hurts, (2) my eyes are itchy (but they were itchy all day) and (3) I'm tired. And this is how we spent our last kid-free night. *sigh*


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.