Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, Monday

Welcome to Monday, my least favorite day of the week, made worse today by the fact that I am sick with a summer cold that had me half dead asleep most of the weekend.

I wonder why we make such a point of calling it a summer cold. We don't say, "I have a winter cold" or a spring cold or a fall cold. Maybe we're not supposed to get sick in the summer or something. Who knows.

In any case, because I'm half dead sick as I write this, and yet probably at work as you read this, there is no post today. Please enjoy the elevator music playing in the background, which would be playing in the background if I knew how to queue it up.

Also, enjoy this photo--of an outbuilding belonging to an old farm in Gloucester--while you locate an antibacterial wipe and some Lysol to sanitize your keyboard.

Happy Monday.



  1. I get to be the first to comment cuz it's midnight and I'm still waiting to read email (love dial up). Hope you feel better CBW, had an awesome afternoon today! My daughter thinks Bud is cool. She thinks I'm crazy and completely mortifying...

  2. Get well soon! I do believe it's called a ~summer cold~ because you're not supposed to have one.

    Sending you thoughts of a QUICK recovery! Or a margarita...that might just do the trick!

  3. Oh, how I love some jaunty Muzak in the morning. Hope you feel better... I don't like being sick, but if it meant I could spend a whole day in bed, I probably wouldn't argue too forcefully.

  4. Oh no! Feel better my friend. And yes, you are correct that we are not supposed to get sick in the summer. It goes against the universe. *wiping keyboard with Lysol*

  5. Oh, hell's teeth, did you catch it from us? 5/6ths of us have it. Except me. Or not yet. I bet it was that bloody goose, he hissed his horrid germs all over you.....

    Take Rescue Remedy. Quick.

  6. I know that building AND the cornfield behind it .. for a sec when you mentioned wipes I thought you were going to tell the CORNFIELD sage ..

    WV facenad .. I thought you were going to facenad that but you turned the other way

  7. Hot tea with lemon and honey and brandy, and if you're low on groceries you can just skip the lemon and honey and hell even the tea.

    Feel better, m'dear.

  8. Aww! Feel better soon! Summer colds stink!

  9. Feel better soon! We can't have you sick anytime during the year!!
    My elevator doesn't go all the way to the top, so I never get to hear the whole song darn it! But,the muzak for today was "The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round"

  10. Jill is going to come and take care of things for you this evening so you can rest!

  11. I hope you are feeling better as I type this. I used to be able to just write "Get well soon!" and then Noah made me feel all guilty about writing that ... he said once years ago that one should always write "Get well now" because who wants to wait for soon. :o)

  12. Sorry to hear you have a cold. I think the whole "summer cold" thing is to say that colds are more annoying than usual in the summer because you want to be out doing things. Well, not in Texas right now in the triple digit heat but, somewhere!

  13. Did you catch that cold from Jill??
    Feel better soon chicka! Thanks for a great time Sunday!

  14. Hope by now you're almost over that damn summer cold.


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