Saturday, September 11, 2010

Market Days, Part Deux

People? Above is the Number One reason to go to Market Days today.

This lady, who has clearly upstaged Chesapeake Bay Woman with the entire crab ensemble, was at the Gwynn's Island Festival back in June. She and I got into a little wrangle when our crab hats started fighting with each other. It was all in good fun.

But now I see she not only has the hat, she has The Outfit. The whole shebang, the crab ensemble. And she's wearing it to Market Days.

And now I must have the whole shebang. Must.

In spite of my jealousy issues over this outfit, I implore you to head to the Court House not only to ask this lady where she acquired The Crab Ensemble to compliment this lady on her impeccable attire and superb sense of style, but to visit the street pictured below, which is informally known as Funnel Cake, Crab Cake and French Fry Heaven.

And it's also the scene of tonight's Barn Dance street dance featuring Richard Smith.

Be there or be square.



  1. I am jealous of you being at market days and me having to go paint my late grandmother's house today. I knew I should have driven down last night!

    I wonder if there was some weird time warp and that lady is really you, CBW, from the future

  2. As soon as I saw it, I knew you would be jonesing for that outfit. It's so you.

  3. I try to avoid market days like the plague. sorry if that sounds bad lol. I'm not originally from here however, so I don't feel obligated to go. I went last year and don't do well with crowds.

  4. For a sec I thought that was Miss Pookie! Oh I love that ensemble and I think if you get it you can wear it for Market Days, Halloween and BlogFest!

    WV mariedu ... umm ..

  5. We enjoyed a prolonged tour of the whole bazaar, discovering as we left that Husband's fly was open. Thankfully, I led the way. WOW

  6. WOW is "Wild on Waverly" aka my mother. Which, unfortunately, means that my father walked through Market Days with his fly down.

    Serenity now.

    p.s. I may not have a post for tomorrow because I'm expecting a couple of high school friends here in a couple of hours, and I have at least a couple hours' worth of tidying up to do, followed by the Barn Dance/Street Dance. If I don't post tonight, updates will be forthcoming tomorrow or Monday at the latest.

    As of now, all I can tell you is the kettle corn was the bomb, and I'm in some sort of Carnival Food Coma. Hope it doesn't impede my toe tappin' at the barn dance tonight.


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