Thursday, September 9, 2010

Three Things

Although I thought I just typed these exact same words day before yesterday, it's Thursday once again, which means it's Three Thing Thursday, which means we share three things and wonder where on Earth all of our writing and grammar skills went to allow such a meandering sentence. It's shameful, really. And yet I do nothing to stop/correct it.

Let's begin.

1. This weekend is the county's biggest event of the year, Mathews Market Days. It's sort of like our version of the Urbanna Oyster Festival, only without the oysters and the Fireman's Parade. And the boats. However, we have something the Oyster Festival doesn't have: the Saturday night street dance. Baby Sister always jokingly refers to this as the Barn Dance (even though it's not held in a barn), sort of like the ones they used to portray on the Waltons, one of my favorite old TV shows. (Stop laughing. I mean it.) See? Once again with the meandering sentences.

2. I am very, very excited to say that I am attending Saturday night's festivities with an old friend from high school whose name in high school Spanish was Renata (pronounced with the rolling "r," Rrrrrrrrrrenata). By the way, I hated my name in Spanish: Juana. Plain Jane Juana (no offense to any Juanas or Janes out there). The teacher wouldn't let me pick my name because my real name--according to her--translated closest to Juana. In French, though, the teacher let me choose whatever I wanted, and I wanted Chantal. I loved the name Chantal. Juana? Hated it. But really this is not about made-up names in foreign language class. It's about reuniting with an old friend whose name was way better than yours in Spanish class.

3. I am also hoping to meet up with another high school friend who was a genius (seriously) musician and drummer. He wants to talk about a business proposition that sounds muy interesante. To let you in on just how unusual this prospect is, one of the job requirements is "Not afraid to shoot a pistol."

Trust me when I tell you that if CBW could share even half of what really goes on in her day-to-day life nobody would believe a word of it, and yet the stuff still keeps happening to her. She needs to consider starting another blog under a new name with no way of tracing her identity. The next thing she needs to do is stop referring to herself in the third person. I wish her good luck with that one.

4. (I don't do well with rules. Three is merely a guideline.) The Mathews High School Cross Country team won last night's opening meet against King William and West Point at Beaverdam in Gloucester. At some point I'll do a proper post on the team, but they are an amazing group of young adults with a fantastic coach. Also, I saw Reader/Commenter Baybrowder and tried to talk him into volunteering for the team since he used to coach CC. But so far I've not convinced him. I love a good challenge - and he'd make a fantastic assistant, particularly in the spring track season.

And now it's your turn to share three things. Whatever you want, anything at all.


  1. 1. Saw the huge banner for Mathews Market Days while down that way last weekend. I was disappointed I would be missing it. In addition, your Spanish name was way better than mine which was Pablo. That's right, somehow a girl named Jamie translates into a guy named Paul in Spanish. That's why I ended up fluent in German.

    2. It's been an awful 2 weeks here because of teenager issues. Ones I've never ever had to deal with before. What's so different now? My ex husband, her bio-dad has decided to become involved after having little to no interest in 16 years. His advice to her- You're an adult as far as I'm concerned and can do what you want and make your own decisions. What's crazy, it started over Spanish 2 class. I am sensing a theme.

    3. In keeping with the Spanish theme, I have the hots for the owner/manager of the local Mexican restaurant. I eat there often. He's muy caliente. Lately I've noticed he's lost weight and no longer wears a wedding ring. I wonder how he feels about girlss named Pablo.

  2. Pablo - Thank you for making me laugh. Lots and lots. This might be in my top ten favorite comments on this blog. Ole!

    AM-I"m not allowed to do that by law, and even if I were I still wouldn't. However, I can offer a glass of wine this weekend if that would help.

    It's going to be a gorgeous day and an even better weekend. I have so much work to do it isn't funny, and this weather does not make it easy to focus, but I'm definitely not complaining.

    Have a great Thursday.

  3. 1. I am muy disappointed we didnt get to talk let alone make any cards to sell at Market Days ..

    2. Deleted this because well I can

    3. The Ringworm is now entering its 6th week .. notice I now call it The Ringworm ... Rose continues to look awful, Jack's ears (thankfully thats is the only place he has it) are healing ..

    4. I hated Spanish, we didnt get names and after one semester I switched to French .. no names there either and it was tres difficult to learn

  4. 1. Today's password is: surly.

    2. This weekend marks my first set of classes in around 25 years. I am all kinds of excited and pukey. Which may be most unfortunate when I am doing a downward-facing dog.

    3. Mental note: Check washing instructions for yoga mat.

    5. There is now a daughter in the house (our 17 y.o. Swedish exchange student), and let me tell you - extra estrogen = GOOD. She's all girly girl, and I finally have someone to watch chick flicks with, or go to the nail bar with. That routine was starting to get a little old for Son #2. Whiner.

    6. Speaking of girly, I am going to a girly get-together on Friday with a bunch of ladies I haven't seen in quite some time. And I'm freaking out about what to wear. What is wrong with me? I'm so vain, I probably think this blog is about me.

  5. 1. My knowledge of spanish is limited to Dora-the-damn-explorer. That is to say... exceedingly limited;

    2. I am reasonably fluent in german and french, though.

    3. The diet was going really well. Until I ate a full half-pound of bitter-chocolate-covered raisins in the car yesterday. What IS it about driving that makes me eat? Thank God I don't have to commute any longer.

    4. Two snakes were swimming in the pool this morning. They are still there. Also three mice, one vole, several frogs and a small squirrel. They weren't swimming, though.

  6. 1. Your commenters continue to be the funniest on the internet.

    2. En mi clase de Espanol (forget the freaking tilde, would you?) I was called Laura, which sounds convenient since it's my real name. However, to properly pronounce it en Espanol one must have a stroke mid-vowel, or throw up, or perform some other bodily function best left to the imagination. LAOWW-ra. Shudder.

    3. Yes, my Spanish is Just. That. Bad. "Welcome to California, where we all speak a small Spanish."

  7. 1. Cross Country is an awesome time pauses....just get back to the finish line as quick as you can ahead of as many competitors as you can. Mathews High School teams (boys and girls) had a very good first meet yesterday.
    2. Looking forward to a great Mathews Market Days and running the 9th Annual Mathews Market Days 5K Saturday AM (race day entries accepted)....forecast is for near-perfect weather.
    3. Look for the Homemakers booth at Market Days (near the Civil War statue)....lots of great stuff at very fair prices and all the proceeds go back to the community for scholarships, etc.



  9. 1. The old goat talked me into buying a box of peaches from a fabulous fruit stand on the way back from our National Lampoon road trip. Guess who will be scalding and skinning peaches tonight before she has a rotting fruit mess and 100,000 fruit flies named Bob dropping by for an infestation and a chat?
    2. How is that I feel guilty for taking over 24 hours to get fully unpacked and even start my mountain of laundry and yet I come home to The Old Goat's luggage still in the family room untouched. I love that man, but I'm not unpacking for him. He has much higher laundry standards than I do.
    3. I had a very distressing digestive experience on our road trip. Things are still not all that they could be.
    4. I thought about making dinner last night. Then I decided not to. I think part of me is still on an emotional vacation.

  10. I just have to add this. I have been waiting five weeks for the four remaining tiles for my new shower. Finally, FINALLY, the call came this afternoon, so I threw the children in the car, and headed on-island to get them. Contractor was at home, practically panting with anticipation.


    Strapped all children in, leaped back into the van, chuckling gleefully at the thought of finally getting the shower back after four long months.



    I sat on them.

  11. 1. Wipe Out makes me laugh.
    2. My son exasperates me.
    3. Thank heavens for Wipe Out.

  12. I love reading these. Thank you, thank you for making me smile even, as in the case of Mrs. F. and her cracked tiles, it's at her/your expense.

    Far-The Juana/Banana song made me laugh too, thank you. And the Jane's A. song is anything but plain. I appreciate the thought and admire your ability to match music to words/thoughts/sentiments.

    It's almost viernes. TGIv.

  13. Hey! Blogger ate the comment I left last night! Grrrrr.

    Anyway, it went something like this - 1. I LOVED the Waltons too, back in the day. Loved 'em. 2., I wanted to be Chantal in French class, too, but Chris in the front row got to pick before me, so I ended up with Marguerite, which is close to my name, but much harder to say in Fraaansh.

    3. I forget what 3 was. Stupid comment eater.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.