Monday, September 27, 2010


Yesterday I spent a good two or three hours writing and editing and rewriting and re-editing a post about the book I'm working on. As opposed to my usual blathering, this post was actually focused and even slightly informative.

Then I accidentally hit a wrong button and the whole thing disappeared except for the one photo above.  All that hard work vanished into thin air.

Sort of like this barn, which was one of my favorites.  I say "was" because it's gone.  Vanished.  Poof.  The other day  I drove by to check on it and perhaps say hello, but there was nothing to admire, nothing to talk to.  Evidently someone tore it down. I'm sure there must have been a good reason even if I can't think of one at the moment.

Rather than continue whining about my precious barn that's gone the two or three hours spent on a blog post that vanished, I will keep this brief and say that at some point in the next week I hope to recreate the post that I lost.  

But in case I get sidetracked by a 100-mile commute to the paying job; cross country meets; soccer games; doctor's appointments; cardiac stress tests because I have heart palpitations PTA meetings; orthodontist appointments; daughter's birthday (Note to self:  Self? It's your daughter's birthday this week.); and more the bottom line on that other post had to do with the reason I'm doing the book.

I am working on this book not because Mathews County needs yet another history book; there are plenty out there.  

I am doing it because there is no book which documents the present-day scenery in contrast to the past, and if someone doesn't hurry up and capture what's here today, there may not be another opportunity because, much like my blog post that evaporated the barn above, buildings might be here today and gone tomorrow.

The other important part of that lost post was a request for photographs from approximately 1975 or earlier from the following broad categories:

1.  Wharves
2.  Churches
3.  Schools
4.  Country Stores/Post Offices
5.  The Court House and Vicinity (including Ward's Corner)
6.  Estates/Plantations/Homes
7.  Other landmarks, including the lighthouse; Donk's, etc.

Now excuse me while I go cry over the loss of this barn the two or three hours of my Sunday I wasted just by pressing the wrong button.

Have a great week.


  1. Also vanished (almost) from the Mathews vista is the racing oval just east of the intersection of routes 14 and 198 (Ward's Corner).
    It's my understanding that this was a race track for horses....not cars. Go to a Google satellite view of this area and you can see the oval outlined by the mature trees....the infield is still an open field.

    Wishing everyone a great week, and wishing you would decide to adopt (or foster) a homeless pet. Honey, the wonderful skittish hound who has been at the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society overflow facility for three years, reports that several of her friends were transported last week to a rescue in Massachusetts, but that there are still many dogs there which are "at risk" since this building will be closed on October 31st.

  2. I was prepared to cry with you (and I love how you cross things out, I must learn to do that) but then I read the previous comment. Dogs at risk. Gets me in the gut every time. I want to run out and adopt every homeless dog in Canada, then I'll start on the USofA.
    My husband says one is enough. I say we have a huge yard. He says but a small house. He might be right.
    I'm glad you have a picture of the vanished barn. Too bad you didn't have a picture of the vanished blog. Winsome losesome, right? The more winsome you are, the more you have to lose, probably.
    --Kay, Alberta

  3. Baybrowder-Yes, there was a race track there, and unless I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs I remember there being races there in my life time. (The Cocoa Puffs is a distinct possibility, though.) There was also one on Gwynns Island - probably other places as well.

    Send me some photos of the dogs and I'll do my best to get them up on the blog.

    Kay-Maybe your husband would go for a small dog? Maybe a nice small dog from the United States...surely there must be a small dog or two up at the shelter BayBrowder references.

    Have a great Monday and a great week. It's going to be a very busy one here.

  4. Save, save, always compulsively save your work! I think we have all learned that one the hard way; I'm sorry you lost three precious weekend hours.

    I'll be happy to circulate info on the at-risk dogs on my blog, where both of my readers can check it out, and also on Facebook, where I have many more friends who have lots of friends.

  5. How sad..vanishing buildings and posts.
    BayBrowder, if only people knew the joy fostering or adopting a dog or cat brings! I just adopted my 6th animal, a tiny kitten found in a ditch, only 4 weeks old. I do hope homes are found for each of the dogs.

  6. There was a race track in Deltaville too, I want to say in the area od Stingray Point and I also want to say it had something to do with someone in my family. However, my brain function has vanished because I stayed up way to late talking to a friend drinking way to much wine and getting up way too early.

  7. My weekend went the way of your blog post. Vanished. Gone. I pressed a button and? bugger me, it vaporised.

    This week will be spent trying to, um, regularise my immigration status. And thank you for the birthday prod... three of my four have birthdays in the next 6 weeks. What was I thinking again?

    wv: warindei.... world did that blog post go?

  8. Ah the weekend .. its vanished too ... I know you know this but you can save a post while working on it .. it saves it as a draft so if you press the wrong button - which reminds me, did you happen to hear about the Security System Test a major media company ran on Friday? It was supposed to be internal to only the security personnel but someone pressed the wrong button and it went out company-wide .. rather than simply have it say TEST .. it said that shots had been fired in one of the company's offices and well chaos didnt ensure but a lot of people were upset and well it made the news ... so dont feel bad .. at least your mispress didnt freak out 1000 people ..

  9. Is there a chance the post can be recovered in autosave?

    I just booby trapped our server, so I'm not going to lay claim to any greater knowledge than you.

    I love the barn!

  10. I wish I could make my back fat vanish. I cannot wait for your book! Cannot!

  11. I cannot believe this. All that work!

    I hit save all the time at school (work). I don't do anything important enough at home to be hitting save, though.

  12. Oh, I want this one with the WV.

    It's wommit.

    I hope it doesn't make YOU wommit.

  13. Maybe the Circuit Rider's horse, Justice, once raced on the tracks in and around Mathews beore he retired to carry the Circuit Rider with his (Circuit Rider's) inspirational message. Justice, with his dependability and trustworthiness, was also inspirational.


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