Friday, October 1, 2010

Flowers for Friday

Mathews had been so spoiled by beautiful, sun-filled days for so long that Mother Nature, fearing we were taking things for granted, decided to change things up a bit. She hates it when we become complacent and/or unappreciative.

Yesterday it rained pitchforks.

The ditch where my lane meets 198 boasted Class 4 rapids.

CB Son's school was cancelled due to the flooding.

CB Daughter's school - in Gloucester, 30 miles round trip in Class 4 rapids without the benefit of a kayak, flotation devices or safety helmets - was not.

Our electricity current went out for approximately forty-eleven hours. On my daughter's birthday, when I was supposed to bake her a cake and my mother was supposed to cook her favorite dinner.

Oh well.

In the hopes of forgetting about yesterday's trials and tribulations, most of which are not even mentioned above, I'm giving us all some beautiful fall weeds flowers from the Beaverlett area, which hopefully wasn't completely washed off the map by the deluge.  Never mind for the moment that Beaverlett is not on the map on a sunny day.  We don't want to over complicate things.

Roadside flowers from the Beaverlett vicinity or thereabouts. Sept. 2010 

When was the last time you saw a patch of wildflowers of any description? Have you ever been given a bouquet of wildflowers? 

Have a great, flower-filled weekend free from rain, pitchforks and other natural disasters.


  1. i don't like flowers. LOL

    Me who is not Jill

    belmech.. the noise I make when someone gives me flowers.

    Hence in obituary stating in Lieu of flowers bring booze.

  2. Glad you weren't swept away in the Class 4 rapids. I love flowers but rarely get them. I see while flowers on the battlefield sometimes in the areas where they don't mow. I enjoy going to one spot that has wild roses and honeysuckle blooking in June. Smells wonderful. My son likes to pick flowers for me. He likes to put them in my hair and tell me I'm a princess. Then he usually farts and says, "You smell dat?" Happy Friday

  3. Oh! I think we must both have encountered Tropical Storm Nicole. Far too closely. My pool, my gutters, my vegetable garden, my EVERYTHING is overflowing.

    My garden is full of wildflowers... I'm going for the 'prairie' look. Unintentionally, obviously, but apparently I'm bang on trend, there. I prefer wld flowers to any other sort. Except sweet peas. And roses. And honeysuckle. And..

    Oh, fine. I like all flowers. Except lilies and chrysanthemums. I loathe them both.

    wv: untereen. 'What the untereen are you talking about Mrs F? Go and do something useful instead of wittering. Like mopping.'

  4. Hoping the rain has stopped now!
    I love wildflowers, and will happily stop and pick some for myself at any time. In fact, the church 'yard' across the street has a carefully tended mound of weeds that are merrily blooming away. Wild asters are blooming among the grapevines right now. The caretaker mows around this mound, then weedeats right up to the edge of it.
    My hubby will buy me a rose once in a great while and surprise me with it. I keep the dried petals in a little box.
    Lovely photo!

  5. A day without school is ALWAYS a good thing. But seriously, your daughter's trip to school is 15 miles? Maybe you should homeschool. Kidding!

  6. We have a lot of wild Sunflowers here in my neck of the world. They frame most of the highways and inhabit all kinds of open fields. They are lovely!

  7. GAH .. its raining men here .. oh wait I used that on someone else's comment section ...

    Wild flowers here are weeds .. and I dont believe anyone ever has given me a bouquet of wild flowers ... but that song wildfire is now playing in my mind ...

  8. @ Daryl- Tall, Blonde, Dark and Lean? I'm heading to NYC be there in 4 hours ;)

  9. I had some sort of epic comment all set to go....until I read Jamie's comment. Bwahahahaha!! Now, I have nothing:/ Can't. Stop. Laughing.

    phamoo: If I keep eating like this, I'm going to turn into Phamoo!

  10. Yes, that was some rainstorm, wasn't it? We got our share in the DC area too... though I think not as much as you. I heard Wilmington NC got like 21 inches of rain from this storm??

    Tell CBD, I had a big ole current-killing thunderstorm on my birthday in July! Luckily, the restaurant where we had reservations, had current.

  11. beautiful and funny as usual. I wish instead of you getting a deluge we could have all just had a little rain. We are dry as old dead bones.

  12. we have 8 acres of pasture that is now grown with wildflowers and tall grass.. My hubby has mowed a path down to the creek which the grandchildren love to walk to and play in the water. They have to wear old shoes for fear they cut their feet on broken glass that has traveled from up the creek. I love it when the wildflowers are in bloom.. This fall the golden rod is especially beautiful and the wild asters.

  13. We have wildflowers galore in the park across the street. I have decided I prefer them to gardens. Hope the weather improves...ours is very slowly....

  14. we had to move my poor dog to higher ground several times yesterday the water was so bad. I almost broke out the inflatable rafts and took a dip in my yard. :/

  15. Hope you haven't been washed away there!

    Last time sure. I do see LOTS of them in my travels. Not to mention my own backyard! ;-)
    But I was given a bouquet of flowers by my little grand-daughters last week when they were leaving here for home (out of my own garden)! Very cute.
    Oh, and a letter from my oldest grand daughter on behalf of them all to say how much they love coming...and they hoped that I enjoyed their visit just as much as they do!!! They love dressing up, and using all the useful junk I leave lying around the place! And what is more, they are becoming very helpful! Ah, wonderful! What fun they are!
    Sorry I seem to have digressed from the set topic...what was it...wildflowers, I do believe. Love your photos!
    Hope you have a great weekend, cbw.

  16. Ha!! This is a great batch of comments, a wonderful gift after such a very long, arduous day.

    Thank you each and every one for taking the time to leave a comment. It's wonderful to hear from you--very entertaining and educating as well. I even let out an "awwww" or two - especially reading how Deborah keeps the petals from the flowers her husband gives her in a box.

    Seeing as it's finally Friday and I've had *yet another* CBW-like day, I am taking the evening off and not preparing a Saturday post.

    Today included a trip to Gloucester first thing, then on to Williamsburg to work for 2 hours, then to Norfolk to spend 7 hours in a hospital waiting room with CB Son, all is fine there, then a drive through rush hour traffic from Norfolk to Mathews.

    Plus I have to gear up for CB Daughter's sleep-over tomorrow night (5 additional girls spending the night, cakes to bake, lasagnas to make, house to clean, etc.).

    Let's see if I can actually wait until Sunday or Monday to post again. I for one bet I can't do it and suggest that I will sneak a posting in simply to avoid some of the aforementioned tasks that must be accomplished tomorrow.

    Thank you again for stopping by and making me smile. Have a great Saturday and Sunday.

  17. I'm late to the party. Wondering how the morning after is going (sleepover).

    We need to have one here in this old manor house too.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.