Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Water Scene from Williams Wharf

Happy Halloween

Who remembers when cutting holes in an old sheet to be a ghost was considered a clever costume?

If you dressed up for parties this weekend, what were you?

I love Halloween and the idea of dressing up.

I'm almost always a witch.

My family might tell you that extends to many other days in the year, not just Halloween.


  1. I dunno, I'm on the list for greeting at church tomorrow morning. I really wanted to find a Zorro mask to wear with my wonderful black Ecuadorian hat, but I guess I'll just have to be myself.
    No "Who IS that masked woman, anyway?"
    Just "Good morning, Kay, and how are you today?" as I hand out the bulletins.
    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Spooky & Funny!!


  3. 1.I don't need to dress up. I broke a front tooth in a nice jagged triangle, so I look bad enough. Looking forward to frightening anyone who comes to the front door.
    2.I wish it were Monday so I could go to the dentist.
    3.We don't really do Halloween in Australia, though some people are trying and hoping it will take off. Weird.
    4.I am not feeling well. After having my son's company for a couple of days, he left his cold behind with me. erg.
    5.Hope you had a good weekend.
    6.Oh, this isn't six things Sunday.

  4. We and some friends decorate our yard to the hilt - this years theme was Zombies. Sadly:), there wasn't time for me to be made up. I really didn't need any makeup anyway

    We treated over 1000 children on Trick-or-Treat. Our yard of characters was so spooky some of the little boys were cautious about approaching a zombie for a piece of candy. It was fun! I'm still worn-out from it all.

  5. I work at a school where we make a big deal out of Halloween for the lower school children. Big party in the courtyard where the director introduces each child and their costume after they parade through the classrooms. So I've had my fun already.
    Having company today. My husband has decorated with things from the garden. It should be fun!

  6. I dressed up last night! Couldn't you tell???? I was a bitch. Ummmm I mean a witch OR the fat kid who loves cake! You decide :)

  7. I'm gonna be an overweight, cranky, sweaty woman. For a change....

  8. I didn't really dress up and don't plan to, but Curt got his hands on a Burger King costume and we've already been to Mcdonalds and BK and through the car dealership our friend runs. Working on video - it was a scream.

  9. you are such a nut. I'm not up for it this year but I like Pirates and princesses, or genies. Just about anything fun. Yep I remember the sheets.

  10. Kay, I think you should have at least worn the Ecuadorian hat.

    mer-That is something else.

    Annie-So sorry to hear about your tooth and your cold. Feel better soon. I rather like the idea of six thing Sunday! It's great to hear from you.

    deborah-I want to visit you next year at Halloween. That sounds like tons of fun. Here's how many trick or treaters I had this year: (crickets).

    CG-Hope your day went well. Made the apple crisp on your post today and it was a huge hit.

    AM-You looked mahvelous,as did your name sake.

    MPM-Me too.

    Meg-I'm dashing off to pop some corn now in great anticipation of this video. Can. not. wait.

    KD - Pirates and princesses never really go out of style, do they?

    Well, it's the night before Monday, and all through the house, not a creature is stirring except CBW, who wishes she was clasping a winning lottery ticket.

  11. This year I got smart and bought icky candy, since we NEVER get trick-or-treaters anyway and I just end up polishing off the bowl.

    I have some Halloween tales to tell but I won't burden you with them here. Maybe at lunch I'll get off my duff and post something.


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