Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shiloh School

This adorable building, once a school called Shiloh,  is on the way to Hughlett Point in Northumberland County. According to the sign out front various websites, Shiloh, built in the early 1900s,  is one of the the last examples of a one-room schoolhouse in the area.

The first teacher was Northumberland native and philanthropist Jessie Ball duPont , the third wife of Alfred duPont, who probably never clipped a coupon or waited for the buy-one-get-one-free shrimp sales at Food Lion before having  a seafood dinner. But that's just a guess on my part.


Below is a picture of the interior, complete with plastic lawn chairs and a reflection of CBW's hand as she presses up against the window pane for a glimpse inside.

Let me try that sentence again with a little more positive thinking and spin.

Below is a picture of the interior of the quaint schoolhouse. There's even an apple for the teacher on her desk.  Just behind those green chairs are some of the cutest old desks you've ever seen.  But CBW didn't want to press her luck since she was already pressing her nose and camera lens against the glass.

Click on the image below for some facts and details that don't involve extraneous references to plastic green chairs and noses pressing up against the window.

Check out the desks below:  one on the stoop and another next to it.


  1. I love your blog. Laughing out loud, confusing my dog.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. I figured you would stop by Shiloh School when on your way to HP. It is a cool little building. Northumberland is a pretty county. It reminds me a lot of Mathews and I have really grown to love it in the 21+ years I have lived here. Of course, Mathews will always be HOME. Have you ever explored Reedville? It is really unique with all of the early 1900's victorian homes. It might be worth another trip over!

  3. Laughing! I'm glad they kept the school in good repair, regardless of plastic chairs:)

  4. I have a desk older than that.. refinished and everything from New Point School.. I will not tell you how. heheheheh

    Your boyfriend is the BEST!

  5. I love that I get to explore the area vicariously through you! I can't imagine how different life would have been back in the one room schoolhouse days. And I wonder why no one uses the word 'benefactress' anymore? It sounds so important, doesn't it?

  6. We had 'desks' like that in college ..

  7. I'm guessing old Jessie's gifts help pay for the upkeep. And I'm also guessing she's spinning around in her casket about those plastic chairs.....

  8. Your last link killed me. Flat out, on the floor, dead as a doornail. Killed.

  9. Bananas 49 cents a pound at my local Food Lion!!


    Love ya.

  10. We had desks like that when I was in high school in Virginia Beach! Thanks for the Food Lion link. How did you know I'm supposed to be working on a grocery list and not surfing the web?

  11. Kay-Poor dog, but glad you're laughing.

    Trinia-The school is precious and looks like a great place for (modern-day) meetings. I've only been to Reedville once but hope to go back again and take the boat to Tangier - in warmer weather, though.

    deborah-Glad you're laughing too.

    AM-I'm guessing my boyfriend (since I have soooo many) is your father who must have "borrowed" one of those desks from NP school. I'll have to stop by for a visit and check it out. When they were tearing down Lee Jackson I took one of the desks from there, but they were nothing like the ones in this little school house or, I'm sure, New Point.

    Kate-Benefactress has such a regal sound to it, a great and noble word indeed.

    Daryl-I don't remember a single thing about college desks but can describe the dorm furniture in great detail. Our TV, a portable black and white, sat on a gurney that was "borrowed" from the U.Va. hospital. A long story for another time....

    MPM-Indeed her fund is/was responsible for the renovation of that building, and I believe she donated all the land at Hughletts Point.

    foolery-I aim to please (but not kill). That's what posting while exhausted will do - cause you to put up Food Lion links.

    CG-Crab legs are on sale too...

    RocketMan-Must be my ESP, not to be confused with MVP which is the card they swipe for extra savings at Food Lion...clearly I'm sillier tonight than I was last night when I wrote the post.

    Thanks for commenting, I truly appreciate it.

  12. Old school houses . . . I love them!


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