Sunday, December 26, 2010

Public Landing

Christmas Eve, I tore myself away from the stuff that needed doing and went for a long, deliberate walk up and down Williams Wharf Road (not pictured here).  Afterwards, still in no mood to return home, I headed aimlessly for the public landing near Onemo (pictured here).

The sun, in no hurry whatsoever, was contemplating setting.

But only contemplating.

After snapping some quick pictures, I hopped back in the car and returned home to stand on my feet for another eighteen hours prepare for Christmas.  Now that Christmas is behind us, I eagerly await a nap.  Or ten.

How was your weekend?


  1. I hope your walk helped you get ready for all that is involved during this Holiday was very quiet and peaceful here. Spent some time with family. a lot of time cooking and a good bit of time napping:) Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Wishing you much time to join the sun in quiet contemplation, not just for the festive season, but throughout the coming year.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Beenie's and wennie's, potted meat and cracker's Christmas Day, found some veinne sausage's for today thing's are looking up!!!


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