Friday, December 17, 2010


These photos were taken last weekend from Gwynns Island, at the boat yard now used by the Mathews Maritime Foundation. One of CBW's friends Some locals fondly refer to this tiny, narrow patch of property as "Pulley's Swamp," since Mr. Pulley's business (Pulley's Marine) was based here for many years, and at low tide the marsh  smells like creek mud can appear swamp-like.

There is nothing quite like the smell of creek mud on a hot day at low tide, and I'm not saying that's a good thing. As long as I'm off on this tangent, but entirely unrelated to the creek mud remark, let me add that Chesapeake Bay Father worked for Mr. Pulley repairing outboard motors for some time after retiring from the Naval Weapons Station. As long as I'm talking about his past jobs, and I appear to be, during high school in the late 1950s he worked at the old ice plant, barely visible in the photo above. I believe he delivered ice to local businesses, but don't quote me on that--or anything. Another early job? Cutting grass at Smither's Cemetery.

In the '70s and '80s, he was co-owner (and the "V") of V&M Service in the courthouse, where he is still was known as the Volkswagen expert. But my favorite of all? Drummer for many bands, including the legendary Dynatones.

Let's return to the blog post, which started out having something to do with these photographs.

On this cold, overcast day, the sun barely peeked through the clouds in the direction of the Hole in the Wall.

I've always loved that name, Hole in the Wall.  As opposed to Pulley's Swamp, Hole in the Wall is an actual, official name which refers to a channel leading boaters from the bay to Milford Haven (or vice versa).  Those of you who know this already are yawning.  Those of you who don't know it are blinking back tears of boredom.  In the best interest of all parties, let's move on, shall we?  

Although I take thousands of photos in Mathews, very few make it to my "favorites" list.  These do.

For the record, they are unedited, "straight out of the camera," since I don't know any other way.  The only time I've ever made any changes to a photo was back when I had dial-up internet and Meg from Soup Is Not a Finger Food showed me how to compress the size to make them load faster. 

Enjoy the pictures and enjoy your weekend, which hopefully will be free of mud, tears, boredom, holey walls and too many tangents.

Although I happen to think tangents, like variety, are the spice of life.


  1. You fail to mention that the "Dynatones" were all black except for your father, who was the DRUMMER in an ALL BLACK band. Has he got rhythm, or what! Mum

  2. Even more impressive, they sought him out.

    There are several other members of the Dynatones still living, and I would love to hold a reunion and film a documentary (even if it is just with my amateur videocam). Daddy says there are recordings of their music, and they played all up and down the East Coast, even opening up for major acts.

    I am good friends with the children of several of his Dynatone bandmates, so I am thinking it needs to be a multi-generational reunion. The stories!

    All you need to do is say "White Stone Beach and the Dynatones" to any one who was around here in the sixties, and the stories just start flowing forth.

  3. How exciting that your father played in a band...just to talk to him and hear his stories! I hope you can locate some of the music recordings, that would be something to cherish!

    I'm going to be selfish and say that you published your favorite photos (which I absolutely adore) just for my birthday:))

  4. I knew the drummer from Bill Haley & The Comets .. he was in a video Ray directed/edited .. called Book Talk.. here's the link.

  5. and I am so duh .. I hit send before I finished saying how cool it is your dad was (likely still is) a drummer .. and those shots of the sunset are gorgeous

  6. I love the smell of marsh mud at low tide.. ummm

  7. Once the smell of marsh mud gets into your skin, there's no getting it out:/ GAH!!

    Hole in the Wall is quite the honey hole to fishermen!!



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