Saturday, January 1, 2011

Pictures, Part Two

Workboat on Davis Creek, July 4, 2010

Welcome to Part Two of pictures from 2010 that never made it on to the blog.  Of the thousands and thousands of photos I take, only a very small percentage are shared here.

Here are scenes from July through December of this year.  There's no rhyme or reason or theme to them, just as there's no real rhyme or reason or theme to this blog.

Life in Mathews is like a box of chocolates.  Sometimes it's sweet, most of the time sometimes it's nutty, and mostly you swear you're never eating chocolate again you never know what you're gonna get.

The edge of our boat house, August 2010

Chesapeake Bay Father cutting the daffodil field, September 2010. He turns 70 in a few weeks.

House near Haven Beach. October 2010

Williams Wharf Road, November 2010

Westview Inn, December 2010

One brief word about Westview Inn: Come Heres will likely not know about Westview and Eastview Inn, but they surely have passed by them a million times. Westview is just before Lynne's Restaurant on the left if you're coming from the Court House. Eastview is just past Ward's Corner (the intersection with Rte. 14) on the left. Both of these places were quite popular back in the day and most people my age and older have more than a few stories to share about the lively cast of characters who frequented these establishments.  (One such legend was named Watergate.)

Currently there is a For Sale sign in front of Westview, and I am trying to convince my good friend to purchase it and open up a place to sell his soon-to-be world famous chicken wings, which are slow cooked over charcoal. Don't you think Westview Wings has a certain wing ring to it?

Speaking of daydreams, potential opportunities, and new endeavors, I hope your New Year is full of nothing but good wings things. Here's to a clean slate and better days ahead.

Happy New Year


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing great things for you in the coming year!
    The area around your boat house looks so peaceful..what a wonderful place to live!

  2. Absolutely, Westview Wings has a certain wing to it, without a doubt.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Westview Wings would be perfect. Loved seeing your photos for each month. Enjoy your holiday, my friend.

  4. I remember them (Eastview and Westview) well...many in my day referred to them as Social and Political Clubs...

  5. And there was the WagonWheel in Gloucester on Rt 17. was another one

  6. I wish you a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

    More peace would be great in this house, still full of in-laws, out-laws, step-parents and a slight Arctic chill in the air - not, incidentally, from the weather.

    Remind me, would you, never to have both mothers-in-law here at the same time again? EVER.

  7. Love the pics, I definitely need to get down there in February. Hope you had a great New Year's Eve and that the New Year brings... well, let's hope it isn't nuttier than a squirrel fart shall we say.

  8. Great pic of CBdad, who played at the theatre across from Wagon Wheel as an opening act for Joe Tex, whose drummer had a foot pedal like a machine gun. Dad said, by comparison, his own foot pedal had training wheels. Mum

  9. I think Westview Wings would be a hit! I remember both inn's and who could forget Watergate? Happy New Year to you and your family!

  10. I'm proud to say I was thrown out of most of the shot house's in Mathews at one time or another. You miss a spooky ride last night the spirits were in rare form!!!

  11. I'll take a copy of CBF on the tractor! It'll look great on my wall of fame! And a dozen of those wings! Happy 2011 my friend!

  12. Some wings would be weawwy good wight now. Happy 2011 to CB Family!!!!

  13. Happy New Year! I hope it is a great one for you! Love the pics as always. Waiting for your book!

  14. I wike Westview Wings!! Happy New Year:) Let me know when you want to meet at Anne's...

  15. Love the pictures! Happy New Year!


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