Friday, February 11, 2011

Bethel Beach

Thursday we awoke to a light dusting of snow and very cold temperatures.

In lieu of glancing at facing my overflowing To Do list, I opted to take a drive down to Bethel Beach.

If a person could achieve a Ph.D. in Procrastination, I'd be the highest ranking scholar and subject matter expert on the topic.

The beach was beautiful, as always.  It's so quiet and desolate there, a great place to escape from reality clear one's head and focus on what's important.

There was one very important thing I focused on here.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help noticing how closely the lightly dusted beach resembled an iced oatmeal cookie.  Click here if you don't believe me.

If you have any tips for coping with the dreaded disability known as procrastination, let me know.

Otherwise, pass the oatmeal cookies-- iced, please.


  1. Uh boy...I think I've cornered the market on procrastination! But...I've found that I give myself 15 min to work on what I don't want to do. Yep, set that ole egg timer, or the timer in the microwave, or whatever you can get your hands on. You'll find a sense of relief that you chipped away at it (that replaces the constant feeling of dread) OR you'll get on a roll and go way past the 15 min...and get something accomplished! Hang in there!

  2. Beautiful pictures of Bethel Beach! I was thinking it looked like Chocolate Crinkle cookies I make sometimes around Christmas rolled in 10X sugar before baking.... minus the chocolate then saw your comment and it does look more like the oatmeal ones with a dabs of icing on them.

  3. I'm the Queen of procrastination! I have stuff I just have to do...someday or at the very last minute.
    It does look like iced oatmeal cookies - so pretty and it does look like the perfect place to contemplate life.

  4. I'm the Queen of Procrastination! For example, I'm sitting here, supposed to be working but I'm thinking a shower would be excellent. Till I get through with that, it will be almost time for me to leave for my lunch date, so why bother to try and do any work before I go? By the time I get back it will be almost time for my kids to get home, then my in-laws are rolling in around 5... you see? It's 10am and my day is already shot!

  5. But I would get to be the president of the procrastination university. All these years of procrastination practice have to pay off eventually.

    I've never seen snow on the beach, but I have seen my share of oatmeal cookies. There is a striking resemblance.

  6. I've been to Bethel Beach....only it was a lot warmer and I was a LOT younger!

  7. Don;t ask me why but I had to go to the link, and I knew the beach looked like iced oatmeal cookies...

    Yes procrastination, I said this morning that I was definitely going to clean upstairs today, before the health dept, comes and condemns my bathroom. LOL And what did I do, go on the net, dreaming about my home in Virginia. So I did clean but didn't get started till 12 noon. But it is all done now, the bedrooms and bathroom look amazing, like I could actually have company come look at them!

    now I can relax for a glass of wine and cook dinner...

  8. gosh can't you edit these things after ya send them, I guess I have to do the preview first...sorry

  9. Hannah - Your advice worked well for me today. I forced myself to do things a little at the time and amazingly accomplished quite a bit. I dilly dallied plenty, but at least there were moments of focus, however brief, on the various things that needed doing. Thank you!

    AverettLady - Bless you for seeing it too. Sometimes I think there's something seriously wrong with my brain that I can't see things superficially and just accept them for what they are.

    deborah - It's nice to know I'm not the only "Someday" list is pages long. When you come visit (and I'm hounding you until you do), you'll love this and our other beaches - gorgeous and so quiet and peaceful.

    Meg-Oh do I get it, I have that chapter of the book memorized - can recite it backwards and forwards. Good luck this weekend.

    CF-If procrastination pays off some day for me, I will never have to worry about money again. It'd be a dream come true.

    Chip-Incredible that you've been there. If it was warmer there must have been horseflies dive bombing. They can be very aggravating in the summer time.

    Maria - Thank you for clicking on the link, it lets me know at least someone is paying attention, not an easy feat when reading one of my rambling posts. I sincerely hope you win the home in Mathews and if there's anything I can do to lobby for you, let me know.

    It's FRIDAY!

  10. Sometimes our bodies and minds just need time off...and if we don't get it, or make plans for it...they take the time off anyway they can!

    that's my theory anyway.


    Always lovely photography...unusual shots today!

    Am fine...haven't been quite connected to any of the disasters at all, apart form worrying about my sister during the cyclone up north. It has been an horrendous thing after another. Will have to list it all out for myself to be able to make sense of it all...if any sense can be made out of the number of disasters that have happened over the course of a few months!

  11. That's where we need to go for President's Day:)

  12. Annie- There's a whole lot of wisdom in your theory and am glad to hear you're separated from all the disaster.

    BHE-Oh yes. Bring your camera.


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