Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Intersection of Old Ferry Road and the road leading to the Islander, near the Seabreeze

These signs over on Gwynn's Island crack me up.

I know they serve a purpose, and I understand why they are there.

But still.

Do I really need a sign to ensure I don't drive directly into Milford Haven?

(Don't answer that, Chesapeake Bay Children.)

Tin Can Alley

Hmmm. I wonder if anyone has ever stood in this very spot and wished the state maintained the roads just a wee bit further.

Who knows, but these sure do amuse me, which is not easy after four thousand weeks months of cold, dreary weather.

Speaking of amusement, the two of you who read some of you who read know that for the past two summers I've thrown a little gathering here in Mathews known as Blog Fest.  Bloggers from as far away as Canada, California, Maine, Texas, Connecticut, New York and places in between convened in our little county for a long weekend of laughter and camaraderie. To this day I feel strongly a movie should have been made about all the fun we had.

This year, for a variety of reasons, most of which have to do with the book that will never get done my workload, I can't host Blog Fest.

However, that doesn't mean the tradition will die.

Click here to visit Asthma Girl's post about Blog Fest West, coming this summer to the city of Seattle!

Even though there's no official Blog Fest in Mathews, my door is always open to visitors assuming the stress of writing the book doesn't do me in.  In fact, Kay from Canada is talking about bringing her husband and goose-chasing dog here in June; Grandma J. and Postcard Cindy are contemplating dates for a Mathews trip; and the East Coast bloggers will likely assemble at least once over the course of the summer months.

There will be a summer this year, right? Right? 

It's hard to think clearly with all this winter getting in the way.


  1. There is a new-ish sign over on the 'highway' that has been covered with a black garbage bag for 2 years now. Will anyone notice when it is finally revealed?

    Maybe we can all get together next year for Blog Fest? I'd love to meet everyone! I understand your deadline, and know you will be plumb worn out after reaching it and ready to relax in Bora Bora for a few months.

    I am usually the last to know our family vacation plans until this year. A condo at the beach has already been reserved so I guess this bunch will move lock, stock and toilet paper there for a week in August. Do ya think it will be warm by then?

  2. I feel almost famous having my name appear in your blog. I can't wait to take that road trip with Grandma J!

    Postcard Cindy

    w/v cats who are my pets are going to hate that I am planning yet another long vacation!

  3. I can't guarantee she's a goose-chaser. She might take one look at Gustav and high-tail it back to Canada without waiting for us and the car.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. And the Sign said long hair freaky people need not apply. So I tuck my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why!He said you look like a fine outstanding young man I think you will do, so I pull my hat off of my head my head and said imagine that me working for you! Signs,signs everywhere there's signs. Thats all I can remember. But I have been waiting along time to use this on your blog. I knew you would give me and opening sooner or later. I know, I know get a life right!!MM

  5. Wait. Grandma J's coming? Call the White Dog Inn...mama's coming too!

  6. Somehow I am sure that there WILL be a summer. Sometime.

  7. Well if Mama's coming and she'll pick me up, I'm coming too .. White Dog has two rooms!

  8. I totally photographed that sign when Curt and I visited Gwynns Island last October. I was like, um, REALLY? Thank you, Mr. Obvious!

    I call dibs on the smaller room at White Dog Inn. It was perfect.


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