Friday, February 18, 2011

A Winner

Last week I received a lovely e-mail from a reader by the name of Hannah who lives elsewhere but owns property in Mathews.  She very graciously granted me permission to trespass visit her dock and take some photos.

Her dock is one you could perch on and sit, mesmerized, for a long time, staring off into the distance, as you slowly unwind and decompress.

I have a friend who routinely says decompose instead of decompress.  Although I always laugh at the mix-up, here recently I've come to realize that in order to truly relax you do indeed have to  rot and become one with the Earth break down and break apart those things that are stressing you and let them melt away, release them.

Sitting at the end of a dock is a great way to decompose and decompress.

Yesterday I remembered I hadn't picked up the mail for two weeks picked a winner for the Dr. Wayne Dyer DVD referenced in Monday's post.

So I wrote the names of Monday's commenters and dropped them in my favorite mesh John Deere baseball cap, which I wear during grass-cutting season.

Grass Cutting Season runs roughly from March 1 through November 30 here in Mathews, concurrent with Insect Season.

Then I closed my eyes, reached in, and in some strange twist of events, picked....

The very same Hannah who let me visit her property!

Thank you and congratulations, Hannah!  E-mail me your address and the DVD will be in the mail as soon as I can get to the post office. (At the rate I've been averaging, you can expect the DVD by Christmas.) You will definitely appreciate the message and spirit of the film.

Here's to a relaxing weekend full of moments of decomposition decompression.

When was the last time you sat on the end of a dock and just listened? 


  1. Well, I wasn't on the end of a dock, but on my back deck, and listening to a wonderful Whip bird singing in the back yard yesterday.
    Lovely photos, cbw and Hannah. A wonderful spot to decompose...oops decompress.

  2. I was just on the front porch howling at the moon decomposing away...oops, sitting and enjoying the night air for a few moments. Lovely photos, I would love to sit on that deck and relax a bit!

    Congratulations Hannah!

    wv: zinizesc The full moon makes me zinizesc!

  3. I have so enjoyed this blog and cbw has inspired and touched me on many occasions when that was just what I needed! I've also enjoyed the brilliant humor - on her blog and in the comments from many of you. It was heartening to read that cow misadventures happened to others outside Southside Va, where I grew up! I'm still laughing over that post! Feel free to visit the dock anytime-the location really "spoke" to us and we were hooked! It's way better when the windchill isn't in single I'm thrilled about the DVD...thank you! Will email address. Everyone have a happy Friday!

  4. Last time I was dock sitting was in October... very sad. I had plans to dock sit this weekend with some wine and maybe some Blisters, but now I will be moving all my worldly possessions and myself into my parents' house. I need me some dock time

  5. Sittin' on the dock of the bay... is where I'd love to be right about now. Or Bora Bora. Either would be cool.

  6. ...just wasting time...

    I actually have some time to do that today...

    but will go to Walmart instead. Worked yesterday not feeling very well (maybe it was that full moon) didn't get home until after 10pm, and was really spent, had to get up at 6am with the DD. But today is a new day and I will make the best of it.

    congrats Hannah!! and I might add you have a lovely deck!!


  7. Oh, I'd say last summer when I was visiting a dear friend(s) in Mathews...

  8. Last time I sat on a dock was July 2010 .. and I wish I was there now ... by the way there is no such thing as a coincidence ..

  9. Ah - sitting at the end of a dock and listening. That sounds like heaven to me right now!

  10. Oh, it sounds like heaven, sitting at the end of a dock to decompress. And if I decompose somewhat, I hope it is the fat bits that melt away.
    "Sittin' at the dock of the bay, wasting time..." oh, yes! Now I'm going to be dreaming all day.
    Wonderful coincidence (or was it fate) that Hannah-who-owns-the-dock came up out of your mesh baseball cap.
    (My verification word here is "droff" - I suspect it means "drop off to sleep without pausing between words"!)

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. Last time was . . . um, not sure I ever have. I need to fix that.

    Have a brilliant weekend decomposing, CBW. And hug that lovely Mumma for me.

    WV: danker
    Nice Laurie thinks this is an adjective, but Mean Laurie knows it is a noun.

  12. The last time I was near a dock was at Moon, Virginia flying a kite. I love to fly kites. My kite ended up in the water so many times, but I just kept at it. I knew this was one tough kite. When I took it to the Virginia Beach Kite Festival, I won a trophy with that kite for "most unusual kite"...imagine that


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