Monday, March 7, 2011


Boathouse at Williams Wharf. The East River is in the distance.

Taking advantage of Saturday's moderate temperatures, I drove to Williams Wharf where I parked my car and went for a slog jog. It felt so good to be doing anything rather than the work I was supposed to be doing exercising outdoors

Afterwards, I pulled out the camera and took a walk around. These shots are from the building used by  the high school crew team and the Mobjack Rowing Association.


Click here for information about Williams Wharf, its rich history, and other projects underway courtesy of the Mathews Land Conservancy.

CBW's Windowpane Self-Portrait. 

In addition to Chesapeake Bay Woman's reflection in this particular windowpane is a glimpse of the B.Williams Store, which dates to 1869 just like CBW.  Click here for more about its history as a store, post office, chandlery and ladies' hat shop. Click on the image to enlarge it if you're having trouble seeing CBW's wrinkles the building there in the background.

Last but not least, and completely unrelated to Williams Wharf, please do me a favor and visit Deltaville Jamie's hilarious blog post (click here for the link) about a nightmare dream she had that involved me. Her artwork is absolutely amazing.


  1. Even enlarged, I couldn't see much in your window self-portrait because the window is, um, somewhat opaque. Did check out Deltaville Jamie's dream drawings. Love the one of Gustav.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Kay - I'll post a non-windowpane-reflected picture of the store later in the week.

    Jamie's pictures are simply outstanding.

    Have a great day and a wonderful week, all.

  3. I also had to go check out Jamie's dream story, very cute!!

    OK as for the wrinkles,(not that I saw any) moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!! Being a 50 something and a AVON rep for 20 years, skin care is so important. If it wasn't for letting my hair go gray, people always told me I looked younger..

    ps, I missed you yesterday, but so glad that you got to enjoy the outside. I could not go for my walk yesterday, we had torrential rain a good part of the day, It is shining bright out there now, might get the DH to go with me today...


  4. Went to Jamie's blog and had a big laugh - what danger you were in:) Very artistic, she is.
    Enjoy your reflective photo!

    I did have an adventure this past weekend and also got my hair cut for the first time in 10 years. I had over 12" of hair 'trimmed' off and donated it to Locks of Love.
    Going for a long walk today, wish me luck that I don't break down half way and can't get home (very big grin here)
    Have a great week!

  5. Now if I posted this Mama would ask 'are you sure its the EAST River' .. seems I was a little confused on Sunday and told her the restaurant was on the WEST side of the avenue, when in fact it was on the EAST .. ahem ... love the self portrait, seeing you in short sleeves makes me feel surer spring is on the way!

  6. dang your a little cutie aren't ya!

  7. Nope, sorry. Having trouble seeing CBW's wrinkles . . . but that's because they are nearly invisible and truly unimportant. Love your photos, as always. Mind if I steal the windowpane one for my desktop? LOVE.

    Om my way to Jamie's place . . .

  8. I've heard of William's Wharf from the guys i used to work with at the shipyard in Newport News. now I know where it is and a little about it.

    The story was great! Where did you get that fancy hat and how can I order a few for some of the WHAOHmen in my family? More importantly, how can I get away with giving them as Christmas presents?

  9. Maria-Love your picture! You definitely do not look 50 something.

    deborah- Locks of Love - what a wonderful act of kindness. Hope you enjoyed your walk.

    daryl-I can truly empathize...have been known to confuse names, facts and details once or twice on this blog...but only once or twice.

    kd-Thanks - hope you're doing OK.

    foolery-Of course I don't mind, download whatever you want. I think you'll definitely appreciate Jamie's artwork and story telling. They're Fooleryland-worthy.

    Chip-I own two crab hats that were purchased over on the Eastern Shore at a campground (Cherrystone) and I am very seriously contemplating ordering some in bulk to sell at the Gwynn's Island Festival the last weekend in June. The world seems so much more tolerable while donning a crab hat. It's hard to explain, but it's a whole lot of fun.


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