Friday, March 11, 2011


This was taken from Gwynn's Island last spring.

Last night as I wearily plopped down to drum up a blog post, I decided to scan my Drafts folder, and this picture was sitting there waiting, without any words attached.

The pinks and purples in this photo instantly soothed me. Of course any glimpse of the water soothes me.

Hopefully it'll have the same effect on you.

Things are extremely insane busy here in the Chesapeake Bay Household. There's a whole lot going on, and reality TV show producers need to give me a call even though it's a tad crazy, life is good.  We have our health although we waved bye bye to our sanity, we have our sense of humor, and we're still on the right side of the ground.

In other words, it's all good.  (Or grand, as my grandmother would say.)

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. I catch myself saying grand, now and than...

    stunning picture, isn't He a grand painter!!

    I know life does sometimes have the way of getting out of control. But I can tell you are the "take charge" kind of soul. You can handle it.

    Relax, its the weekend, now my workweek starts...

    wv: bustion: what the really UNCOOL people use instead of "bust a move"..... hahahaha

  2. That picture is so very comforting.. and it really doesn't need words attached to it, it speaks for itself.

    Please pray for those in Japan, and those in Hawaii and the pacific....

  3. Love the picture, glorious!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. And you're on the right side of the law. That's good, too. It's also grand.

    WV: sopar. Sopar, CBW and fam are on the right side of everything in life!

  5. Fantastic photo, CBW! I so need to slip away for a weekend for some R&R and wine and maybe some crab pot hopping and crab hat ducky float wearing. Good thing I never finished college to become and English teacher or that last sentence would irk me some.

    WV: figere: I figere that's a mighty fine pitcher (picture) you got there CBW

  6. I enlarged your beautiful photo and let myself be drawn into it to be soothed. It worked! Thank you!
    I miss the ocean. I miss the Pacific, but I'll take any ocean.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. Stopping to say hi because I'm a toad and I've been a poor blog friend. Still, I think of y'all at the craziest times! I like how you called my sandals "skips"! Miss you!

  8. Yep, the picture lent some comfort to me as well. Very pretty.


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