Thursday, April 7, 2011

Three Things

Miller's Cove, Queens Creek

Once again we find ourselves at Thursday, which has taken a mighty long time to arrive this week.  Thursday is when we share three (or more) thoughts, however random or seemingly insignificant.  Just because we can.

I'll go first.

1.  Saturday morning be sure to strap on your tennie-pumps (aka running or walking shoes) and head on down to Williams Wharf for the Third Annual Pet Castle 3-Mile Distance Run and Pet Walk on "the world's flattest 3-mile distance run course."  I can attest to its flatness; the only place flatter than Williams Wharf Road would have to be concave. It's my preferred place to jog/walk on my days off, and I most definitely don't do hills. Click here for more information.

2a. Saturday night there'll be a time goin' on in the Chesapeake Bay household.  A Girls' Night has been officially declared and my local blog friends Big Hair Envy; Noe Noe Girl; Deltaville Jamie; and Ann Marie will be convening for a night of laughter that will most definitely involve crab hats.

Dear Queens Creek Residents:  I apologize in advance for all the laughter that is bound to bounce up and down the creek that evening.  Also? You *may* hear some James Brown being played-- click here for an example.  However, if you happen to hear a woman singing louder than James, that will likely be Chesapeake Bay Mother.  Thanks in advance for your patience, cooperation, and understanding! 

3.  Yesterday evening after work I went out to the daffodil field and picked a bucket full of sunshine.  In addition to the usual yellow suspects, the white ones are now in bloom. I think I filled seven vases.

Now it's your turn to share three thoughts.

And if you are interested in laughing until you cannot breathe, stop by my house on Saturday night.

p.s. Baby Sister, if you're reading this,  you need to get up and get yourself on down here Saturday night.


  1. I am the first commenting cause I am still working.. it is 12"30 am.. I started yestrday at 530 am I can't type anymore.. so this is 12 and 3

  2. 1. I will remember if I hear loud booms Sat night, not to blame the Coast Guard as ususal.
    2. Crab hats? Please take pictures, those have got to be more flattering than lamp shades.
    3. OW! Step back and kiss myself!! I feel good!!!! in my best James Brown voice.

  3. 1. I think something got messed up, isn't today supposed to be Friday?

    2. The doc I work for/best friend and my work spouse/best friend are throwing me a baby shower today after work!! Love those girls!

    3. I need a girls night after I get my girl all born and sleeping throught the night (only 3 weeks and 6 days left). I am in some serious need of a marguarita! Y'all have a blast this weekend!!

    WV: brwoo... it's not Friday yet.. OR
    brwoo... baby shower this afternoon..

  4. 1. Rubber ducky floats will also be in attendance this Saturday.

    2. I certainly hope CBMumma will be singing her signature song "Sex Machine" and I dearly hope the outdoor speakers are on as well.

    3. Watching teeball is good medicine for a crappy day. The Brat Child played in the dirt, waved to friends walking by, got distracted by just about everything, threw the ball with his glove and watched ball after ball roll by him. When asked how he like baseball he said "I wike it, I'm weally goom"

  5. 1. woke up this morning feeling like carp

    2. Lynne enjoy your baby shower! And I'm with you on the margarita!

    3. What time should I be there Saturday night? I hope you don't mind I'm bringing Johnny Deep too!!!

    wv: flaphili: it sounds like you girls are going to have a flaphili good time...enjoy!

  6. I wanna come
    I wanna see your seven vases of daffodils
    I wanna hear you sing sing sing

  7. 1. Daffodils and the weekend sounds great.

    2.The pikkies are terrific, as usual.

    3. Still no baby, maybe next week, if not before. Mum is cleaning and tidying and nesting, and trying to shrug off her awful cold and cough. UGH.

  8. A Pet Walk? You have a Pet Walk?? Did Gustav strut his stuff?

    1. It's gloomy and cold today.
    it was 93 yesterday.

    2. I'm jealous of girls night out in Mathews.

    3. Can't wait to hear CB Mother sing a James Brown song.

  9. I am SO wishing I was able to be there ... damn .. hey why dont you all get in a car and come on up here ...

  10. I like Daryl's suggestion...than I would only be 2 hours away...but I don't know if Johnny could go.

  11. Girl's Night? Sounds fun!!

    It's ok that I don't have two other things, right? Yeah. Thought so ~


  12. I so want to be there with you all! I will be there in heart and spirit! Party your butts off for me...and drink a Bloody Mary for me. Oh, and do a toast to the adoption!


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