Thursday, April 21, 2011

Three Things

Scene from the end of Warehouse Road in Gloucester

Welcome to the day of the week known as  Three Thing Thursday, where you're encouraged to spew forth three random thoughts that happen to be on your mind at this very moment, no matter how insignificant they may seem.  If something's on your mind, there must be some significance.  Regardless, we don't judge significance or insignificance,  we just drone on and on about it until you want to start crying because this opening paragraph will never end we just say our three things and then carry on.

Let's begin.  

1.  As I left work yesterday, the temperature registered 92 degrees.  If this sounds like a complaint, rest assured it is not.  I could have danced a jig and wallowed in that wonderful 92 degree weather just as soon as I left the building.  Instead, I opted to preserve my dignity calmly get in the car, roll down the windows, inhale the air which was as thick as shag carpeting due to the pollen, and luxuriate in the warm weather and its accompanying smells all the way home.

2.  Night before last was also warm, without a ripple of wind on the creek.  Gazing out onto that glass-like surface I told the Chesapeake Bay Children that we had to go for a canoe ride.  Realizing the imminent danger potential for disaster if we all three hopped into one tiny, unstable canoe, Chesapeake Bay Son opted for the rowboat while Daughter and I took the canoe out for a spin.  That evening marked the first time in 2011 that my bare feet touched creek mud.  It also marked the first time in my life that the tip of a very sharp, narrow, rigid piece of marsh grass went directly up my left nostril when I bent over to tend to something (likely related to my feet sinking in stinkin' creek mud).  Thankfully I was able to pull back before the reed came out my ear any major damage occurred.

3.  How did we get so close to the month of May without fully acknowledging and appreciating the month of March April?  It's almost May?  Really?

Now it's your turn.  Please share three (or more things)--whatever happens to be on your mind at the moment, whether it's weighing heavily or just quickly passing through much like a reed of marsh grass in a nostril.


  1. 1. I'm just recovering from our month-long trip to Europe. It was wonderful, but I arrived home exhausted.
    2. The dog wasn't speaking to me when we got her home. She was happy to see her daddy but the mom got no notice except at feeding time.
    3. Last night my husband suggested I should get down on the living room floor to cuddle with the dog. It took me five minutes to get down there, where Lindy and I had a lovely cuddle until my arm (the one she was using for a pillow) fell asleep. Then it took 15 minutes for me to get up off the floor with my husband's help.
    But it was worth it. Now the dog loves me again.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. 1. Spring weather is very weird this year.

    2. Very very weird.

    3. Possibly I am weird as well.

    4. We don't want to go there.

    5. Just saying'.

    WV: furls as in: She furls the thoughts from the depths of her soul. (Not very deep there.)

  3. 1. Marsh grass and nostrils don't mix..

    2. In 13 days and 5 hours I will be holding my little girl!

    3. I am completely confused, I have woke up three days in a row thinking it was Friday..

  4. 1. I'm sick of all the BS that is rising up from the aftermath of the tornado. So much BS that if it continues it will be to the point that I won't even want to go back to the house in Deltaville again.(this pertains only to my family, not to the area in general)

    2. I thought Tuesday was Wednesday. I've gotten used to my inability to know what day it is even though I have a large calendar sitting just to my left.

    3. The Brat Child had me draw what he thought a tornado looked like. It might end up as a cartoon because I think 5 year old minds are hilarious. Especially my son who is too smart for my own good.

    4. Time on the water sounds wonderful. I envy the canoe trip.

  5. 1. I need to get my feet in the Atlantic Ocean...

    2. It was 86 here yesterday...and I went for a walk B4 I noticed that, man was I hot when I got home...

    3. Went to the doctors yesterday and I have inflammation in my Achilles Tendon. It only really bothers me in the morning or when I stand on it for 8-9 hours...

    4. growing old is not for sissy's...

    WV: stalami: I am NOT going to make the Italian Easter meat pie with the stalami!!

  6. What happened to April? This month has flown by, and I've not even had a chance to watch for gaggles or pods or groups even of bicyclists in lycra!

    A canoe ride, even though I'm fearsome of water, does sound so nice. The evenings have been lovely and I've done some fine porch sittin' late at night this week.

    Happy Easter, all! Enjoy your family and friends this weekend!

  7. 1. I weeded, worked in compost and manure, and mulched part of my garden using my handy rolling garden stool.

    2. I planted and watered a few tomatoes.

    3. I got sunburn on my shoulders. Looks like I was spray painted while wearing a tank top.

    wv: ...and I ain't NOWEAS tired.

  8. 1.Our air conditioner is finally fixed - AND down here in Texas you need that particular appliance in April!

    2. Research papers . . . I don't see the point!

    3. My state needs rain! To put out the out-of-control grass fires!

  9. Just fyi - Growing Wild on Waverly Lane (above) is my mother. Click on her name and it will take you to her page where you can access a blog she started about a month ago.

  10. Marsh grass is so rude... its a squorter (WV)

    Sorry, I was reading Kay's comment .. a month in Europe .. wow ... glad that Lindy is over her sulk.

    I'd have risked it and canoe'd with you.

    All week I kept thinking it was Friday and now its Thursday .. and May is almost here .. what is going on with this time is it slipping or sliding away?

  11. 1.) I, too, woke up and thought it was Friday today.

    2.) The TGIF on my lips quickly became HCIOT (Holy Crap It's Only Thursday).

    3.) I'm going back to bed. Wake me up tomorrow.

  12. 1. What a nice Friday. What? It is not Friday? Oh crap.

    2. I have been planning to make dandelion jelly all day....still in the planning stages apparently. Oh crap.

    3. I just inhaled a doughnut. Oh crap.

  13. 1. I was supposed to be in Dewey Beach today - my neighbor/friend and I were going to make a quick overnight run down - and after some on-again, off-again back-and-forthing, we ended up pulling the plug on the whole thing.

    2. So instead, we treated ourselves to pedicures and a 2-beer Mexican lunch.

    3. If I may whine for just a moment? It's hard not to feel extreme envy and be annoyed when so many of my FB friends are posting things like "Ah, Paris in springtime," or "what, it's cold there? It's in the mid'80s in Greece!" Seriously, people. Good gawd, do you have to rub it in? Don't you ever work? What am I doing wrong that I don't have the money for all five of us to go on a 10-day junket to St. Kitts???

    Sorry. Thanks for listening. It actually was a pretty good day, all things considered.

  14. 1. I can't believe that you are mocking me again, so SOON, CBW. It's only honest-to-goodness SNOWING outside my window;

    2. Apparently wresting a large and somewhat recalcitrant horse in an attempt to persuade it that we ARE going to trim her feet for the first time since Methuselah was a boy (rescue horse), is not good for the herniated discs in my neck;

    3. Two hours, two hooves done, two pints of sweat each from the able assistant and me;

    3a. Meg, I'm getting all grumped up about exoticisms too. Can we make a quick break for it... and I don't care where!

  15. 1. I hope y'all are done with the tornadoes.
    2. I hope y'all are done with ants.
    3. I hope y'all still have room for me!

  16. Mrs. F - I have a valid passport and a vehicle that seats 8. But if it's just you and me, maybe we should fly?


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.