Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ah, here we have a peaceful glimpse of the Canada geese taking a quiet, leisurely swim along the shores of Queens Creek before retiring for the evening.

They're unhurried and relaxed, slowly absorbing the sights and relishing what's left of the day.

Below is the heron, who isn't exactly relaxing or savoring the remains of the day.  His laser-beam focus is on a very serious mission that does not entail lollygagging or admiring this or that or winding down for the night.

He's in search of food--food he will not slowly savor but swallow whole before resuming his search for more.

Next up, we have this particular royal pain in the... nuisance specimen of foul  fowl, which is unable to relax at all and takes great pleasure in ensuring nobody else around is able to relax either.

Here he displays his superior (?) intelligence.

Here he shows his impeccable attention to oral hygiene.
(Click on the photo if you can't see the grass hanging out. Beady-eyed thing.)

He's tired of pretending any longer. His true self festers beneath the facade.
Like a volcano--a volcano full of hot, molten lava molting evil--he prepares to erupt.

Finally, he can contain himself no longer.

[Insert the sounds of snakes, goblins, devils, demons, fire, explosions, witches cackling, fingernails on chalkboard, glass breaking, and any other awful sound you can imagine]

Click here and here for the sounds that came from Gustav after this hideous hiss. 

Click here  and here  and even here for what slipped from my mouth.

That's all, folks.


  1. Where DO you get those sound effects? Gustav's evil laugh is particularly apropos.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Kind of reminds me of you when I knock on your door.

    He's lonely and needs a mate not a character assassination.

    Since coyotes are said to be all over Mathews, freedom could be deadly for him.

    All this makes him cantankerous.

  3. The sound effects are my favorite - I could listen to them all day. They have Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, a bunch of them.

    CB Mumma-I just call it like I see it. You have the bruises on your arms to show his true character. Also, don't forget it was I who rescued him during his last Great Escape and death from coyotes.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the chuckle and the sounds... I've been playing them all morning here at the office.

    WV: afucaudg- I can't say what I was going to say about this WV because it's all inappropriate

  5. OK so I chick on the first "here' and I am expecting a goose sound..and I get the evil laugh, I jumped from my computer scared me...LOLOLOLOl

    then I got the jest of the post...funny, very funny

    I love how mom defends her "baby"

    yesterday I took a picture of a blue heron in my back was so unexpected, I am not that close to water...

    wv:cookijoi: I don't know about the cooki part, but that post was pure joi...

  6. Gustav, the Magnificent in all of his grass-eating glory. I'm scared.
    Admiring your mum for actually handling him!
    wv: golight Golight when you approach the dangerous goose:)

  7. Poor Gustav, he cant even eat his grub without being hassled .. ;-)

    logingsh .. its a gay form logging

  8. What I wouldn't give to hear all that in person! Thx for telling us where you got the sounds. I do think I'm too limited in intelligence to do much beyond click a link.

  9. You could have been stalking me with a tape recorder...those sounds, comments & utterances have all been, at one time or another, spoken by my dates.
    (Single Male Blog Stalker)


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