Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Work Boat

Sunrise on Queens Creek

The other morning right after hearing one of my least favorite sounds--the alarm clock going off at five thirty--I heard one of my favorite sounds.

No, it wasn't a red-winged blackbird. Nor was it a whip-poor-will, which is a sound I've loved since the summers of my youth.

It wasn't the sound of the door slamming behind me on my way out of the office, either, although that, too, is one of my all-time favorites.

No, this was a rare morning when my neighbor started up his work boat that he keeps in the cove down the way from me. And he went out for a spin.

It was a beautiful morning for a spin.

He didn't go much farther than this before he put her in reverse and went back towards the dock.

Although I really don't care much for getting up so early, sights like these make having to do so just a little more palatable.

But now that sunrise isn't occurring until later and I am waking up in the dark, never mind.


  1. you made me had a beautiful memory this morning! Blogfest 2010.. the @$%#@$# goose had woke me up with his MMMMMAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKK... after I drug my butt out of bed and started the coffee I heard that EXACT noise and got some GREAT pics!

    I. MISS. YOU.

  2. I love the sound of workboats too. Thought growing up at the Court House you didn't hear them there but the many hours I spent at the Oyster House I heard them and also at my great-grandmother's and friend's grandmother's.

    I actually can here them here in NN as I am not far as the crow flies from the James River. Some mornings it takes me a lot longer to get the paper when I time it right. He'll ask what took you so long???? The workboats were going by...He doesn't get it...

  3. though not thought...brain and fingers not cooperating this morning...

  4. >VBG< of course the dipping sauce...

    did you have time to take the on-line tour of the home...it really is lovely, someone is going to be so stinkin lucky...

    love your pictures this morning...this is what I am talking about...

    my Mike would LOVE one of those boats...he wants to work the waters, but he would need help, I wonder if anyone would show him the way...

  5. I just came up with a fabulous idea...

    you win the BC home, you and the CBkids move in to the new digs on the Mobjack and you sell me your home on Queen's Creek...???

  6. So the work boat didn't do much work this morning!

  7. oh its like he did it just so you'd get those wonderful photos.

  8. There's nothing like standing ont the back deck in your bare feet feeling the rumble of a diesel engine and watching the shore disappear. AAhhhhh

  9. AM- It might have been a very beautiful memory but for that evil, evil goose...

    ALN - I fully understand lingering to catch the full sound of the boats, I'd do the same thing. I also share your love of the oyster shells from the other day. There are several more shots of that particular pile I need to remember to load up here one of these days.

    Maria - He'd have plenty of people ready and willing to show him how. And I did take a peek at some of the other parts of that blog cabin that I didn't get to see when I snuck inside, I mean when I was running that errand for my friend a few weeks back. Very pretty. But my favorite part is out back (not sure if that's on the tour or not, need to go check) - the patio/fire pit/outdoor shower and grill area. It is a perfect place to linger in the evenings, assuming you are wearing armor to protect you from the mosquitoes. Fall evenings should be wonderful there, though, at least there'll be fewer insects. I don't think my kids would make the trade of the Queens Creek house for the Blog Cabin, only because they've set up a skateboarding heaven in the basement, complete with strobe lights and a ramp. But perhaps we can work something out...

    Nate - Thanks!

    Trisha - No, it didn't do any work, and, as a matter of fact, it never really goes out at all. I think he just started it up to make sure it was still runnin'.

    Daryl - Yes, and thankfully I had the camera ready...

    DGH4- Indeed.

    Well, thankfully Tuesday is almost over. Seems to be a trend this week, I can't wait for these days to be over. They've been long and arduous, not to mention trifling. I blame the full moon.

  10. I love all of your posts, you make me so want to get out of the city here in Florida. I hope I win that house, but I've never won anything, so not really counting on it. How bad are the real estate taxes there? PS Nate is a wonderful Photographer, is he professional??? I bet hearing the boats and sounds of the bay are the best way to start the day. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Another PS, do any of you know the exact location of the DIY home, tried to find it on a google search, now so helpful. Thanks!

  12. This looks like the town where Gilmore Girls was filmed, am I right? I am from SW Florida, know all about flies of all sizes, snakes of every variation, gators and of course our worse twice a year visitor, love bugs!!!! Do you have a grocery store, a walmart or target??? You make it sound like it's really in the middle of nowhere. I'd love to see the home on google, anyone got an address or lats and longs??? Thanks!!!


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