Friday, September 16, 2011

Milford Haven Boats

Disregard the blurry white post at the bottom of this photo.Also, if you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can disregard the look of bemusement on that man's face as he wonders about the crazy woman on the bridge pointing a camera at him.

These shots were brought to you courtesy of the only red light in Mathews:  the stoplight at the Gwynn's Island bridge.  

This light pretty much gave me all the permission I needed to put the car in park, pull out the camera and start snapping away.

I hope your day includes at least one red light (literal or figurative) that forces you to slow down, stop, and do something enjoyable. 


  1. Thank you for these photos. I love Chesapeake Bay deadrise workboats.

  2. Enjoyed the photos! (as always)
    Hope you get to spend a bit of the weekend as you wish:)

  3. We don't really have a stoplight in the town itself, but now we have a couple of them at the highway. No scenery, no boats, but sometimes we have trains. Big, long, coal trains sometimes, just when I've started to believe coal is passé, then it reminds me I'm wrong.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. I'm sitting at a red light in my life right now. Once it turns green I'll have to floor it and head out in an entirley new direction. For now I'mm enjoying the pause.
    I love the working boats on the Bay, thanks for the photos.

  5. I love that bridge it literally signals WiFi ahead!!!!!!

    Neat boats .. see any sharks?

  6. aaawwwkkkkk! I just leave my house to go to work with just enough time to spare not to be late...I HATE when the Absecon bridge is up!!

    Have a wonderful weekend CBW...

    wv: taxistor: I hope I have to talk to a taxistor soon to help me with my new home windfall...;^)

  7. My wife's hometown a few miles from here has a couple stop signs but no light. On the other hand, I often just stop in the middle of the road to shoot a few frames and folks around here stop and wait for me to finish! That's got a lot to do with why I love small towns.

  8. Is that really the only light?? Love it!


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