Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Sky Scenes

Here are some more shots of the sky from Aarons Beach.

We've had a solid month day after day of overcast, dreary, wet weather here lately.

Last night after work the sun came out for just a bit.

Long enough for everyone in the neighborhood to crank up their lawnmowers and attempt to tame the knee-high jungle that includes mushrooms the size of a golf umbrella grass that has sprouted up thanks to weeks upon weeks of monsoon-like weather all the rain.

CBW, after driving 160 miles (round trip to work + Daughter's trip to orthodontist) and dealing with the paying job, came home and spent almost two hours trying to tame her back yard.

Then she spent an hour loading photos  to  the other blog she maintains for the high school cross country teams.

Then she walked the dog, fed the cats, cleaned two bathrooms and glanced at the pile of work that remains on the book that she cannot even begin to work on until the end of the week, which, in case she hasn't mentioned, is Chesapeake Bay Daughter's birthday.

Guess who is just about on the verge of fleeing the country never to return is hosting a sleepover that includes eight teenagers on Friday night?


  1. Fiji? Tahiti? Bali?
    Gorgeous pictures!

    Just reading all that you have done makes me tired. Hope you can find a few minutes for yourself sometime this week...

  2. CBW--if I win the Blog Cabin and find away to keep it, I will try to come over to your house a few days a week as your personal assistant--at least I can do errands, laundry, pet feeding & bathroom cleaning so you can concentrate on the parent thing, the work thing and the book revision thing.
    Oh, I forgot--the odds of winning will be about 20 million to one......

  3. no need to flee the country... just the state.

  4. I saw the sun today! Just for a moment, but it's still there.

    There never seems to be enough hours in the day to do all that we need to do. No matter how hectic it may be, always remember....Life is good.


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