Here are more sunrise photos from the same series I posted last Friday.
In case it isn't obvious, these are unedited, straight from the camera.
Now is as good a time as any to provide some background on my photography skills or lack thereof, as the case may be, and it can be summed up succinctly as follows:
I am self-taught; have no idea how to use my camera, never have; and know nothing about photo editing whatsoever. The End.
I do not know anything about aperture, shutter speeds, lenses--nothing, other than they're terms I ought to be familiar with. I simply make sure the camera (which is a Canon Power Shot S51S--or S515, I can't read the fine print) is in Auto mode, point it and shoot.
A version of Photoshop came with a scanner I purchased when I was working on the book, however I've never installed it and don't even know where I'd find the time to actually edit photos even if it were installed, since I barely have time to download them from the camera and then upload them to the blog. Doing this with a dying laptop and/or antiquated desktop makes the time commitment even greater. Sprinkle on a huge handful of impatience, and there's no way I'm going to edit any photos.
Anyway, my point in all this is
And now, Chesapeake Bay Woman is going to stop talking about photography because all this nonsense has given
Or maybe she just stared at that way-too-orange photograph way too long.
The End.
If it was that way in real life, it's perfect.
ReplyDeleteIf it was that way in real life, it's also awesome. I love the way the dark color cuts through the sun.
I really must phone Costco about my good camera before the warranty expires. My old camera works fine, but my new one says "remove lens cap" every time I turn it on, then it turns itself off.
I exchanged brief e-mails with your mom, either today or yesterday. I forget which, and I forget why, but I know I did ask her to say hi to you from me. My verification word here is "whiver" which could be a quick way of saying "whatever"!
Cheers — K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Well, I for one like your photos very much cbw and am pleased to hear of someone else who doesn't edit photos.
ReplyDeleteThat being said I do sometimes chop bits off them now and then, to get rid of anything irrelevant or if I want to focus in on something, but usually I have already done so when I took the photo anyway.
Keep up the good work!
And I hope you have a great week,
your pictures are lovely, I wouldn't change a thing...
ReplyDeleteWhile crabbing yesterday I dropped my phone in a puddle and fried it...I had that phone for years, I guess it is a time for an upgrade...
my kids will have to teach me to text, finally...
but the good thing is tonight it is crabs and spaghetti...
I LOVE the orangy photo!!!! love love love it!
ReplyDeleteI too love the orange photo. It isn't like it's orange because you did something funky, it's orange because that's the color the sky was. I also like how water and sky are nearly the same shade- dark and broody. I don't know how to use my camera either, I point, shoot and take a lot of photos so the odds are I'll have at least one or two ok ones.
ReplyDeleteThey're all smashing. Last night the moon over Queens Creek was a harvest-moon spectacle. Somebody with a better camera than mine would get the prize for that one.
the orangy one is the bestest. Ever.
Don't downplay your photography skills, 'cuz you got a great eye! The self taught photographers always take the best pics in my opinion. :)
ReplyDeleteAs another self-taught (what an optimistic label!) photographer who never edits her photos . . . I am right there with you!
ReplyDeleteI have supper tonight if you are all available. Mac and cheese, pork and apples, salad, and homemade bread. Mum
ReplyDeleteYou dont need a scanner unless you're planning on turning 35mm PRINTS into digital photos .. and why would you need to know anything more than point and shoot? I dont.
ReplyDeleteI'm self taught as well and even though I shoot with 2 DSLRs and have a few high dollar lenses I rarely do more than crop or straighten what I shoot and I shoot in the auto modes at least half the time. My aim is to share what I see, not create "the perfect shot" using software.
ReplyDeleteI have a version of Photoshop installed on this laptop but haven't taken the time to study the book and learn how to use it. I haven't finished reading the manual that came with the first camera either and the second manual is still packaged in plastic and riding somewhere in the bottom of my camera bag.
Beautiful shots, CBW! The colors are what makes them.
ReplyDeleteI used to shoot manual, had 2 Nikons that were my late husbands. Now I shoot DSLR. Have no clue how to shoot manual anymore. As for photoshop, NOT. I'll crop and enlarge, maybe sharpen the exposure a bit, but none of that fancy stuff. I like things the way they are.
Hey, Mom. What time's dinner?
Well, I for one, think you're doin' just fine. These are lovely. And I am loving the orange.
ReplyDeleteWait. Huh?