Friday, September 23, 2011

The Sky

"There is one spectacle grander than the sea;
that is the sky.
There is one spectacle grander than the sky;
that is the interior of the soul."

-Victor Hugo

"There's one spectacle grander than a day off;
but I'm not sure what that is.

(Wait. It would be sleeping past 5:30 a.m.and not having to drive anywhere or do anything for anyone.)

The interior of my soul is more tired than the sky is grand;
but it's all good.

It's definitely all good."

-Chesapeake Bay Woman


  1. CBW--I will bet Victor Hugo never had a day off either (didn't he write 'Les Miserables' ? Probably lived it too.)
    Gorgeous photos, and your momma was a looker...from recent photos I can see she's never lost "it".

  2. Gorgeous photos!
    Your children are gifted with an extraordinary mother with a wonderful is all good.

    (Congrats Sam!!)

  3. It's not the waking up early-ish I mind, it's the having to get out of bed and DO THINGS. Like make sure the boys get out the door to school. That sort of thing.

    We won't be seeing much of our sky today as it's supposed to be very rainy. I may keep coming back to peek at your photos until we see sunshine again in MD.

  4. I like the sky. Especially out West where it is SO BIG and beautiful. More sky, please.


  5. Beautiful sky photos. There's no blue skies here in Maryland at the top of the bay today, so they are doubly welcome. Thanks.

  6. V is for Victory...

    I know what you mean, this work thing is overrated!

    enjoy your weekend...


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