Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three Things

Here it is once again, Thursday. That day where we share three things. There is usually no rhyme or reason to the three things, just whatever happens to be spinning around my/your head at the moment.

I'll go first.

1. My mother has finished a blog post (click here) that captures the Chesapeake Bay Children when they were much younger. I adore these pictures and am so grateful to her for all the work she's doing scanning and capturing the images for posterity.

Dear Posterity,  

We were more than twice as crazy only half as crazy as we presented ourselves on the internet, but we sure had a good time.

Love, CBW.

2. A good friend from Northern Virginia recently informed me that BULL LIPS were the very best bait for crabbing that ever was. He said I should ask any commercial waterman.  Bull lips.  It's what's for dinner, evidently, if you're a crab.  That's right, folks, I said bull LIPS. L. I. P. S, bull lips.

Bull lips? This reminds me of the first time I heard the word "cornhole." Even today, a full year or more later, I still twitch and convulse a little when I hear "cornhole."  Something just isn't right....

3a. Last night I ran into my high school classmate Johnny Pugh in the Food Lion and asked about this bull lip for crab bait business since he knows all about commercial crabbing.  He confirmed that he has heard that the lips of bulls do indeed make good bait; he also confirmed (as if there were any question, except I had to ask) that there are no bull lips available for sale in or near Mathews.  So the bull lip bait shops haven't quite hit Mathews County yet.

3b. Mind you, this conversation is occurring in the checkout line of the grocery store at 7:00 p.m.(way too late for anyone around here me to be in the grocery store, by the way) after an arduous day of work and standing for two hours in the misty rain at a cross country meet.  (Both MHS teams won.)  And I'm saying stuff like, "Yeah, I knew there was a lot of bull here I just wasn't sure about the bull lips."  This actually caused Johnny to chuckle.  The checker-out person was not so amused.  Nor was the person behind me holding only a bag of bread.

3c. Dear Bag of Bread Person, Had I noticed you clutching that sole item before I became engrossed in the bull lip conversation which made me a little slower than usual at the checkout stand, I would have waved you on ahead of me and begged you to go first.  My apologies, and hopefully one day soon you'll appreciate the humor in the exchange you are still were trying so hard to block out. - Love, CBW

3d. While I was slinging groceries onto the conveyor belt, still pondering the whole bull lips issue, Johnny then commenced to telling me about some mutant frogs he has down his neck of the woods, something about his daughter's pet frogs escaping and intermingling with the native population, which are already enormous.  He said they were about the size of chickens.  Or maybe he said they tasted like chicken, who knows. I couldn't concentrate thanks to the realization that some poor person standing behind me (and this whole exchange) only wanted to pay for a loaf of bread.

So that's it, folks, the latest and greatest from this little speck on the map along the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay.  From bull lips to mutant frogs that taste--and look--like chickens. There's never a dull moment here in Mathews!

Now it's your turn to share three (or more) things.


  1. Does a bull really have lips?
    Would cow lips work in a pinch?

    If I were the one holding only a loaf of bread, I would have been soaking up the stories and chuckling...but some are in too big a hurry to get back to mundane stuff like making sandwiches.

    Congratulations on the wins for the cross-country teams!

    The guy who has the 'Pumpkin House' just got 3000 pumpkins to carve and display. Can't wait to go help dig out pumpkin guts:) (That is considered fun and a great social event in our small town doings)

    Wishing you a very relaxing weekend!

    wv: dalitert CBW was a dalitert in the grocery line

  2. 1. I screwed up twice today, once on a blog post and once in the laundry room.
    2. I have started to look at house plans again, and I found a crack in the wall by the dog's window seat.
    3. My brother thinks I should "break out of my comfort zone" and then I'd have fun marketing my own book.
    3.a. Did I tell you my brother is a little bit nuts? Probably due to me being 22 months older and beating on him when we were little, until our sister learned to talk and tattle-tale all at the same time.
    — K

  3. 1. I don't know nothing but this bull lips business but bull peni (yes we know we made that up) make really tasty dog treats. (no I didn't confirm the tasty myself but the dogs did) Trust me I had to see it to believe it but it is true.

    2. You realize I am deathly afraid of frogs right?? I am more than happy to not be in any close vicinity to mutant frogs. Before long there will be cartoon based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Frogs of Bavon!

    3. I haven't had coffee yet.. can you tell???

  4. I can tell you that the bait shops in Atlantic County DO NOT sell bull lips either, but I would be game for anything to catch those delicious crustaceans...we went crabbing on Sunday and only got 4 crabs in 4 hours, are they in the mud already??

    Congrats on the teams winning...

    There is talk that the winner of the BC home has been picked...anybody heard anything?

    I swear my word verification is rogit...

  5. 1) I want to quit my job very, very badly, and I have an idea for a book. This is VERY weird to me.
    2) I love your blog. Don't visit it very often, but really I do. Thank you!
    3) For my birthday next month, I'd like someone to come and clean my entire apartment.

  6. 1. I didn't think the Food Lion in Mathews was open past 5pm. Huh, whoda thunk.

    2. This post made me think of the Bull and Oyster Roast I went to in the mountains of VA. The oysters were very large. I don't eat oysters but the rest of my family does. I waited until they were all chewing before mentioning that it was interesting that we were in the mountains far from the Bay at a Bull roast with these ginormous oysters and did anyone know if they were really "mountain oysters". Some of them didn't finish their plate. I ate ham.

    3. Tonight is Midge's senior night for field hockey. Her brother and I are escorting her on the field. She is also singing the National Anthem.

    3b. The Brat Child tried on his dressy clothes last night which resulted in a very dramatic display involving the tightness of the tie and shirt collar... dramatic as in writhing on the floor yelling "It's choking me".

  7. Thursday again already, wow!
    1. It's drizzly and rainy here today and for the last couple of days. Already I'm missing summer.
    2. As always happens at this time of year, it's dark when I take the dog out in the morning, barely light as I drive to work, and dark before I get home...thank goodness for weekends when I can soak up a little sunshine.
    3. I picked up the Halloween pumpkins last night. The kids are teens now and no longer care to go pick thier own, so these were grocery store pumpkins. We'll carve or paint them this weekend.
    3a. Have a great weekend everyone.

  8. Well, its Thursday which is one day closer to the end of the week.

    I miss my Fridaycations. I miss them bad, real bad.

    I may never eat oysters again, thank you Jamie and Re .. and I wish I had a pumpkin to carve ... now where did I put those pumpkin pix from last year ..

    Apropos for someone who used I at the beginning of all her thoughts: my word verif. = imings imings to get pumpkin pix on my blog

  9. 1. Bull lips sound like something my Dad would have incorporated in scrambled eggs. His breakfasts were hearty as well as horrifying. (Brains and eggs, I swear; scrapple and eggs; onions and eggs, etc.) He and my mother enjoyed chitterlings, which should have been spelled with an "s" instead of "c." (pig intestines sans excrement, hopefully)

    2. I love the idea of a pumpkin house. Is that like Sponge Bob's "Pineapple Under the Sea House?" I love Sponge Bob Squarepants.

    3. I didn't fall down yesterday, but today is young.

  10. My vacation is drawing to a close and I have to think about returning to hell.

    I have gotten some things accomplished.

    My cat, Pookie loves pasta, my spaghetti in particular.

    WV: Oriale. They came on strong near the end of the season, playing the spoiler vs Boston.


  11. 1. Bull lips....really? Sounds like bulls___t to me. My friend always baited his pots with fish.

    2. My land line is operational again after 36 days of fussing(I'm being nice here) with Verizon.

    3.Yea! Tomorrow is Friday! Hope I don't have to work Saturday.

    And as always, love your photos.

  12. 1. Very nice pictures.
    2.I don't eat red meat but I know little is wasted .
    3. Eating brains is too bizarre to even think about.

  13. 1. Anne Marie: we call them bull pizzles, and the dogs think they are nearly as good as mailman, when eaten fresh...I can vouch for pizzle stew though. Delicious. Want the recipe?

    2. Not content with four children, two dogs, two (newly rescued) kittens, I now have half a horse. Because really, I needed something else to do.

    3. Oh, and Eldest Son? Got to change to the instrument of his heart's desire In the school band today. The trombone. Things are apparently not getting peaceful around here any time soon...

  14. Mrs F + 4 - just curious, which half of the horse did you get?

  15. Well--it's not Thursday now--so I'm exempt!

    I love the idea of your mom doing her thing with the pictures, and a blog. I miss my mama--she just passed away in March--and I can't tell you how much it still hurts.

    I think I'm too tired to think of a third thing--which I was exempt from since it's Saturday!;)


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.