Friday, November 18, 2011

The Book

For almost two years now, I've been carrying around an unfinished project known as The Book.

On December 5, I'm scheduled to give birth.

This labor of love is scheduled for a December 5 release.

More details to follow when I figure them out soon.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Congratulations!
    I can't wait to get my copy!
    A lot of hard work, but I know it was well worth the effort!
    Did you get to wear your crab hat for your bio pic?
    HooRay! So happy for you!!!!

  2. Liking that cover ! It must be a huge relief...I hope you don't go through perfectionistic regrets in the post publishing aftermath..(the sort of thing I'd do to myself after such a feat).
    Think of the gazillions of writers who never get to see their work published!!Wish I could be your west coast agent and arrange a book promo tour at sites near Sushi & Vietnamese restaurants, lol. Congratulations--and I can't wait to read more of you and CBmom in print....

  3. Hurray! So happy for you and can't wait to pick up a copy!!

  4. Janice I'm so proud of you...I know how hard you worked for that, I can't wait to get my copy either, where do I sent the money to snag my copy...
    the cover looks really nice...

    can't wait for more details...

    hopefully my future home area...

  5. CBW, I've been reading your blog since someone mentioned you on the DIY Blog Cabin blog. I've also peaked at many of your "friends" blogs...what a great group. I really admire how you keep up your blog almost daily. I see many blogs fall by the wayside.

    Can't wait to get a copy of your book.

  6. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. I'm related to a famous author? Can't be happening :-)

    Congrats cousin!

  8. Good job on making a great baby! :) I'm excited to order a copy!

  9. Marvelous! Be sure to let us know where we can get a copy. Will you be doing any book signings anywhere?

  10. Fantastic about the book.
    Good on you.
    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving week.
    Have enjoyed helping the kids move and being with the little ones.

  11. ...You go girl! I am so stinkin' proud of you! (((hug)))

    ...Can't wait to order and it'll go right on my coffee table for all to see. ;o)

    ...Congrat's CBW on a job well done!

    ...Love ya.

    ...Blessings :o)

  12. I'm so happy for you! Drink lots of wine so the delivery won't hurt too bad!

  13. Oh my gosh, your name is on the front cover of A BOOK!!! I'm so proud of you - I knew you could do it!!

  14. Congratulations!!! Let us know where we can find your first book (this is the first, right?.

  15. I am so thrilled for you. I know I can get it on Amazon, but I'll order my Christmas present from the vendor that will bring you the most money. Are you selling it out of the trunk of your car? ; )

  16. ...was lurking around during a few extra minutes I don't have and came across this! Congratulations...



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