Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Scenes from Williams Wharf

Over the weekend I drove down to Williams Wharf and was a little sad to see the one waterfront building (most recently used by the high school crew team) had been torn down.  That it had been torn down was no secret, but I had been in denial about it all and was reluctant to actually see it with my own eyes. I have a fondness for old structures even when they have far outlived their usefulness.

As I like to say, there is beauty in imperfection.

They're making way for a brand spankin' new boathouse.  Click here for those details.

I spent a great deal of time perusing the shoreline where that building once stood, looking at all the oyster shells, pottery shards and pieces of thick, old glass.  I thought about all the people over the years who have passed through here whether by necessity or for pleasure.

I'm sure the new building will be wonderful, and no doubt spectacularly more functional than the old one. There are lots of exciting prospects for the future.

But I hate to see things go, even when it is for the better.

This shot, taken a while back--spring maybe?--shows a glimpse of the building  when it served the local crew team.

Self-portrait taken through one the windows.
I had no idea when I took these that the building was going to be torn down.
Now I wish I'd taken more, although over the years I've accumulated hundreds many.

Speaking of resisting change and being more comfortable with old things a fondness for the old, I am transitioning from my dilapidated laptop to a new one. For the first time in my 46 years on this planet I have purchased a computer myself. Every other one was a hand-me-down from someone else, and usually very outdated and oh-so-antiquated.

As we speak, however, I am still typing on the old one because, although the set up on the new one was so easy even a blindfolded cave woman with one arm tied behind her back could do it, I did something wrong and am completely flustered because I cannot connect to the internet. Everything was going fine until I declined the Norton 60-day trial and then changed my mind and went back in to download it. So I think I did something out of sequence and now it seems to be blocking everything. Chesapeake Bay Son needs to help me figure this out, but in the mean time just know that this week is Technology Transition Week, and we all know how CBW does with change. And technology.

(Not at all well.  Not well at all.  Very, very badly.Things could get very ugly around here.)

Hopefully CB Son can straighten this mess out, and I will miraculously figure out how to load photos on The New System so I can finally tell you about my delightful visit to Beachland.

Keep your fingers crossed.


  1. Congratulations on the computer purchase; good luck with the technotransition...I identify completely. I can barely manage the few tasks I do perform without help from my younger son.
    Very excited about your book signing appearances...do you have any outfits that would go with a crab hat ?

  2. Congrats on your laptop purchase! I'm sure you will have it up and running in no time (as long as an X Box is not involved:))
    Enjoy the photos, so picturesque!
    Maybe with the new building many more activities can be held there. I am like you, I don't like change.
    So you will be wearing your crab hat to your book signings? Very chic...we must look into finding the whole outfit to go with it.

  3. I'm sure you'll be up and running on the new laptop in no time. And I found that uploading photos was quicker and easier when I got my new laptop. Love the pics... I so need to get my butt down there.

  4. I am guessing you bought a PC .. Norton is evil .. so is McAfee ... and they slow down email to a dead snail crawl .. nevertheless I hope you use it in the best of writing health .. stay away from naughty websites and you wont need Norton

  5. I was last down there one Garden Week to get trolly to one of the homes on tour...That's been AGES ago...Three of my friends from dwon here with me and ran into another lady I knew from down here...I was standing there balling saying this used to be standing here and that used to be standing there...many happy memories down there when my family had the Oyster House down there...playing along the shoreline, playing on the workboats, playing in the skiff, running a message over to Armistead Gulf, playing with the dock cats, going up on the oyster shell piles, on and on and on...

  6. So glad to hear you got a new 'puter! I'm sure CB son or daughter will get it straight. At least you have tech help on hand! I didn't. I was ready to throw mine out the window or at least take it back, but I persevered.

    As always, wonderful photos.


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