Here are a few more photos taken from the public landing at the Seabreeze over on the island.
The sky was quickly filling with clouds, but every now and then a burst of sunshine would brighten things up brilliantly.
In this last picture I especially like how the dock sort of directs you to glance in the general direction of Callis Wharf, that white structure way off there in the distance. It appears to be sitting under the only patch of bright sky in the east. I wasn't thinking about any of this when I shot the picture. I'm just noticing it all now, well after the fact.
My initial thought when I paired these photos together, though, was this song.
Hope this week allows you an opportunity to sit at least briefly if not on a dock then at least some place that brings you peace.
Always enjoy your water pictures!
ReplyDeleteMy hubby officially has some type of bug (we went to the dr today), so it looks like a low-key Christmas for us.
Hope you can find a few minutes each day to relax and enjoy the Season!
Love that song!
ReplyDeleteAnd your photos, too.
That song is perfect for your photos. I was so lucky to see Otis Redding at the Monterey Pop Festival--he closed the show...people were standing on their SEATS by the time he was ending his set. Just a few weeks later, his plane crashed. So devastating.
ReplyDeleteAs always, thanks for sharing the bit of coastal heaven and vistas that you come across.
I love water, I can spend a whole day at the beach just looking out into the water and hearing the waves...and then getting hot and playing in the surf...
ReplyDeletewasting time is sometimes good for the head...
wv:torynato: Toto I don't think we are in Kansas anymore...
I'm just waiting to get through Christmas and New Year's to January when I plan on getting down there one way on another. Then I'll relax.
ReplyDeleteI wouldnt mind sitting on that dock .. in warm weather ... 8 sleeps to go!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSeeing these pictures makes me miss everything there so much. I will be heading that way later in the week...hope that will bring me some peace. For the most part, I guess I have it, except for a longing to be closer to home and wishing I had taken that fork in the road when I had the opportunity.