Thursday, December 1, 2011

Three Things

Welcome to Three Thing Thursday, where I share three five six things and you share three.  Or five.  Six.  Whatever floats your boat.

1. My sincere apologies for the delay in posting the pictures and info on my trip to Beachland, the historic Mathews home dating to the 1700s.   The good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I'll have everything posted on Friday.

2.  My daughter's first dance is on Saturday.

3.  My son's first formal dance is next Saturday.

4.  I have forty-eleven-thousand things converging over these next several weeks.  Things such as book signings; Christmas preparations (Can't we skip Christmas this year?- Signed, Ebenezer Scrooge); my mother's 70th birthday on Christmas Eve;  the neighborhood Christmas party; work, personal property taxes due;  new technology to learn; work; an improperly functioning camera; Christmas bills; my 16-year-old son approaching one of the final hurdles before being able to legally drive;  no car for me him to drive; a trip to New York City between Christmas and New Year's and did I mention my 13 year-old-daughter has a dance this weekend when only yesterday I was dropping her off at preschool?

5.  I wish I were in Bali with Javier Bardem.

6. Today's pictures (which are actually last winter's pictures that have been sitting here in draft for months) show the back side of Westview Inn, one of two legendary inns at Ward's Corner. Oh, the stories this building could tell.

Now it's your turn to share three or six things.  Whatever you feel like, anything at all.

Have a great Thursday. Welcome to December.


  1. Oh my, you do have a full schedule, but things will just fall into place.
    The milestones in the lives of your children are big ones - are you ready for them? I know you are - exciting about your daughter's dance!
    Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. The youngun's are blooming, and there's no going back..and you do have an action filled week. Can't blame you for wishing to be on Bali in Bardem's company---he is from Spain, so it's una cosa muy buena that you studied Spanish, LOL. I could point out that " I saw him first", but we'd have to share him with his impossibly lovely wife, Penelope Cruz.

  3. 1. I am running by tomorrow.. don't ask a time this is me I don't have one.

    2. I won't be there for the 70th.. there is going to be something for the 70th right.. at some point.. maybe I will change my non plan and plan to be there.

    3. I hope to fix at least one problem for awhile.

  4. 1. I'm going to be 70?

    2. I have a monkey on my back in the form of the annual Waverly Lane Christmas party. After that, I'll worry about 70.

    3. I think I'll write a book and title it "Maria Times Three!" All about the rigors of single parenting three wild girls. Husband turned it all over to me because he was squeamish about doing anything that might cut in on his time with his friends.

  5. 1. I would love to skip Christmas this year. I am just not feeling the season right now. Attending the Ravens game on Christmas Eve might help though.

    2. No dances for me but basketball is making for a crazy schedule. Two of the weekends I thought to drive south I have games to go to. So I'm torn between escaping for my sanity or staying to support Midge her senior year and prevent the guilt of not going. Oy!

    3. Oy is my new favorite word.

  6. Your mother cannot possibly be 70

    I am SO excited you are coming to NYC .. pack comfy warm clothes and walkin' shoes, no its too cold for flipflops

    I am already over Christmas AND Hanukkah and Kwanza and any other seasonal celebration .. I am just hoping 2011 ends less insanely than it began ...

  7. 1. My sister just took off for 10 days in Costa Rica. She sent me her itenerary in case of emergency. I saw the words "Spa Resort" so many times in that short email I nearly fell off my chair at work.
    2. I am still bothered by the Easter basket Santa carries in that picture you took.
    3. I'm pretty sure I give myself a mini stroke everytime I ponder Noah driving...and I still have 5 years to go. So when you figure out the anti-worry trick...whether wine or valium or something else, please keep me posted!
    4. Have a great weekend!

  8. 1. My oldest son informed me today that he will be able to apply for his learner's permit IN JANUARY. Lord have mercy.

    2. I received two photos from Bali in my email today - a help desk clerk at one of my clients has left her job and returned to Bali to be with her family. She looks very happy and the place looks beautiful.

    3. As I write this, our high school is playing in the quad-A MD state championship football game in Baltimore and is winning! It's a nail-biter though. Curt has our son and two of his friends there, and did I mention that ALL OF THEM WILL SOON BE ABLE TO DRIVE?

    4. I just don't understand where the time goes. I'm willing to forego Christmas this year, too. Just haven't been able to get into the mood.

    5. I hired a cleaning service today. Oh yes i did.


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