Thursday, December 22, 2011

Three Things

Welcome to Three Thing Thursday where I share three thoughts (two of which today may be related) and hopefully you do too. We usually strive for three unrelated thoughts, but most of the time we break our own rules because we are the rules are arbitrary and ridiculous, sort of like the pricing scheme for gas.  Or ice cream.

Let's begin.

1. It's been a long time since I've taken any photos worth seeing  mentioning. The one above, from Bethel Beach almost a month ago, bores me a little, to be honest. OK, so perhaps the way the pine branches seem to reach out to those feathers of clouds is interesting, but otherwise I'm thinking I really need to spend an hour or so in the coming days taking some new pictures.

2. Since August I've been enslaved to a schedule that demands a 100 + mile-per-day drive to work and however many more miles to my children's school activities + children's weekend social activities--all of which requires nothing short of a personal assistant, which I don't have, to keep track of. Nothing gives me more pleasure to announce than this: If I don't want to, I don't have to drive outside the boundaries of Mathews County until Tuesday of next week. That is five full days of sleeping past five thirty a.m. and five full days of never having to drive more than the five miles to Mathews Court House for groceries. It's a Christmas miracle! As well as an overabundance of "fives" in one sentence!

3.My goal is to never have to cross the river again to do everything humanly possible to avoid crossing the York River until I return to work in January. Amen.

Now it's your turn.  What's on your mind?  


  1. Hooray for you! I hope you take full advantage of being able to sleep in.

    Well, I bought this huge ham for the weekend, only to find out that no one except me and the hubby will be here to eat. The boys will be working or somewhere else all weekend. Dinner anyone?

    Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  2. 'Five things' Thursday
    1. Older son, grandchilluns and daughter in law flew to Washington (my aunt would pronounce it as 'Warshington')State for Christmas, to see daughter in law's family.
    2. A friend who is a nationally known Rosarian/ antique rose expert has a reprieve from foreclosure on his home. (He has very rare roses on the property and hosts lectures there, so it would've been a great loss.) His home will be his to live in for perpetuity, thanks to some patrons who will purchase it (from NastyBank) for him--how often do we see actual GOOD news ?
    3. Am envious of your upcoming trip to New Yawk and the gathering.
    4. Wishing your mom Happy Birthday in advance; she is so talented.
    5.Happy you are sleeping in past Darkness O'clock.

  3. Aha, well, what am I going to do. Being a bit lazy, seeing the family at Christmas.

    Being a bit late writing Christmas Cards, first ones for three years! Posted the first four off the press this afternoon.

    Hope you have a wonderfully lazy time at home CBW, and a great Christmas with family and friends.

  4. How will I get to see you if you don't cross the river?
    It's warm here today.
    I love coffee.

  5. CBW I give you a "high five" relax and sleep in. I can do that tomorrow, but I get up with the "little one" (OK she's my little one, 15)

    Deborah don't feel bad its only my family this year too, since I have to be up in the middle of the night (4am) to go to work Christmas day, my sisters didn't take me up on Christmas Eve dinner. They all live over 2 hours away and you think I lived in Siberia...

    LLC I swear we will raise a glass for you!!

    CBW I went over to your Mom's blog last night, it is wonderful, she has some great stories. Her birthday is on Saturday?

    Well its a work day today and I know it is going to be very slow, when it is like that it is very tempting to go home. But then again you don't get paid, so I will stay...

    Kate I love coffee too...

    have a Blessed day everyone...

  6. 1. It's been an exceptionally trying few days and now I'm just hoping each night when I go to sleep that I'll wake up and it will be January 2nd. So far that hasn't happened.

    2. I'm envious of the NYC trip because I really need some face time with Blisters.

    3. Hope everyone has a happy holiday whatever it is they celebrate.

  7. I am so excited I am not working tomorrow and I am not working almost all of next week .. I need to come in at some point and go through all the crap that will be accumulated on my desk and I prefer to sort it out when no one else is here .. no interruptions that way.

    FIVE SLEEPS!!!!!!!!

    I wish you could bring Jamie with you ...

    Please wish your mama a very happy birthday.

  8. 1. I love these photos and I don't care what you say about them. (Is that two things?)
    2. The temperature is hovering around the freezing level (which is warm for here in winter) so the guys from the glass company are coming to install a window in the door beside my computer today.
    3. But first I have to go out to a luncheon, and Dick is going out to see clients, so the dog is going outside with a just-finished plastic container to lick the remains of the cream cheese out of it. She'll be happy.
    4. While the window is being installed in my door, I have to get goodies ready to take out to a meeting later.
    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

  9. So, did you get to sleep in today? I can starting tomorrow. Yea!!! Think I'll dance a jig!

    I like that tree. Maybe because it has been weathered by so many storms, and as we know, the wind off the water is COLD in winter. Or maybe because it is asymetrical, due to the storms and wind. Or both.

    Happy Birthday to CB Mom.

    Is that three? Yes, I think so.

  10. 1. In 5 days, you will be here!
    2. We may have 5 glasses of wine.
    3. We may have more.


    wv: quarden
    If we qwahh too much we may be quardened off....


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