Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Heron

The other day on my way to Bethel Beach, I looked to my left and noticed this heron perched in a tree.

Naturally, I stopped in the middle of the road and, after ascertaining that no cars were coming, rolled my window down and snapped happily away.

I remember thinking the shots ought to come out OK because the light was good.  However, my camera has some problems that I still haven't addressed, which means that otherwise OK pictures come out like this: all dark.  The main reason I haven't sent my camera away to be fixed is because when it's set to the sports mode the issue goes away. Evidently I forgot to set it to sports mode this particular day.

Regardless, I did enjoy seeing Mr. Heron as he gazed out over the wetlands from his perch. He didn't seem to give two hoots about me, my camera, what setting it was on, or anything.


In other news, my friend Lauren received a very good report back from her doctor!  Please visit her blog and cheer her on to the next chapter of her story.  2012 is going to be her year, I am convinced.


  1. Great news for Lauren! Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers...

    The heron is a lovely bird, and you got some nice shots of him/her.
    Good luck with your running! I'm cheering you on:)

  2. Glad to hear that Lauren has had good news! It cracks me up that we've never bumped into each other at Bethel Beach. It's my recharge spot. I could go sit down at the cove over at the farm, but I like to see bigger water.
    Nice shots of the heron! On my camera any lighter would mean no blue sky. I'm still having a love-hate relationship with it...and would vastly prefer to use my old Nikon EM (yes, that is an E....it's older than dirt). But shooting 35 mm just isn't practical, and digital is a huge bonus for an ADD kind of mermaid.

  3. A heron in a tree, go figure! That is a sight, I never saw one in a tree, great shot!

    So glad that our prayers were answered for Lauren! That is such great news...

    Work has been very busy with the holiday weekend, I worked way too much and am really tired, I had back to back 6am starts, I am spent and its not over yet, I need a day off!!!

  4. Love this .. its a country version of my pigeon on the lamppost post ..

  5. Awwwww. Love that heron! Maybe she wants to train with us.

  6. Nice shots of the heron. Usually they fly off when you get too near them and make a strange "Gronk, gronk" kind of call. They don't like being crowded. Usually when you see them in trees, the trees are near or leaning over the water and they are in the lower branches.

  7. Thanks for the heron in a tree. I really love your photos and how they connect me to your area when I am not there.

    My real life occurs in Pittsburgh while my wanna-be real life occurs along the Piankatank. I see herons here in the Burgh all the time- sometimes soaring over our interstates, miles from the any of our famous 3 rivers. It is nearly impossible to see heron nests unless you look for them when the leaves are off the trees. A couple years ago I photographed this one pod of a few dozen nests (yes!!) located high above a small inaccessible creek, a tributary of the Ohio River a few miles outside my city. Here is heron pod photo. Here is one of a nest-sitter: top nest sitter and finally, these nest-builders.


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