Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3

Although there's plenty of negative things I could say about today's return to work, I will keep it positive brief and say Happy 2012 daggonit!

Bah! humbug! Bah!!

Have a great day.


  1. Snowing here - boo hiss:)
    Take care and remember its a short work week! (the only positive I could think of)
    Happy 2012!

  2. And bah humbug to you, too.
    Oops, I mean Happy 2012 to you, too.


  3. Nearly got into an accident because of slick roads this morning (someone nearly slid into me) but I'm focusing on the gorgeous morning sky the clouds produced. And my nice Jamaica Me Crazy pinkish toenails. Have a good day despite being back to work!

  4. Happy 2012 to everyone. I was off for 2 weeks, so coming back is realllllly hard.

  5. Its cold here .. even colder than it was when you were here .. brrrr .. and the office is nice and chilly .. sigh ... I wish I was self-employed so I could stay home with Toonman and the kits ...

  6. I didn't want to go back to work either. The plant was cold, and I couldn't get my act together to save my soul! At least today is over with. Maybe tomorrow will be better.....NOT!

  7. I want to paint my toenails like Jamie. Oh yeah, and happy new year to ya.

  8. Great shot, I needed wallpaper for my new phone, thanks.


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