Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Scenes from East River

These are a few miscellaneous shots taken from Williams Wharf.

Unrelated to Williams Wharf or the East River, I signed up for my first 10K yesterday.

The fact that I am only currently running five miles and 10K = 6.2 miles does not bother me.

Not yet anyway.

Click here for information on the race which is in Richmond at the end of March.  

I'll be the one with the crab hat running at a snail's pace.

Happy February.


  1. CRAB HATS????


    My excitement just tripled!!!

  2. I'll be cheering for you! I just know you will run that 10K with ease and style (especially if you are wearing the famous crab hat:)

  3. Happy February to you, too, CBW. And Deborah is right, the crab hat will win the race for you, even if you finish last.

  4. You will be glad to know that these big races take your photo at the finish line and [try to] sell it to you later . Should you want to see your exhausted self.

  5. YES YES !! You should find a way to get to S.F. next October for its race. (nobody would bat an eye here at the sight of the crab hat--the Bay to Breakers race has group costumes, and everyone wears costumes, except for the No Nonsense Kenyans (who are Serious Runners and always win) and the Nudists, (who I guess are winners in their own right.)I would love to be able to meet up with you!!
    How come your mom's post about Jolene made me cry ? Sentimentality seems to ambush, when I expect it least.

  6. You are ready for it now. Just take it easy;)

  7. I have a crab hat if someone needs to borrow it, I had two, but Zuzu got a hold of one!!

    Good luck with the race, I know you will do just fine, and if you get tired, you can walk the rest...

  8. Fret not, CBW. Marathoners don't ever run 26 miles when they train. My husband ran one 10 years ago and his longest training run was 20 miles. I guess they figure if you can run for 20 miles, it's no sweat to tack on that extra 6.2!

  9. I want to jump in the kayak after seeing the scenes from the East River. The North River has become a little boring. Good for you for signing up for the 10K. It sounds fun!

  10. You can do this. I have much confidence in you.


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