Friday, May 4, 2012


I took these from my deck 
before leaving
for work one day this week.

It was Mother Nature's way of
reminding me why I love 
living here so much.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Pretty nice, you are indeed lucky.

  2. your own paradise - just beautiful!
    Have a fun and wonderful weekend!

  3. Wow, what a nice view from your deck. Sure beats looking at parked cars or a bowling alley! We're having a great time on this trip but crammed way too many activities into our schedule. What can I say, it's partially a research trip and we have a lot we want to see. So glad we've saved the peacefulness of your side of the river for last, though. Vacations need serenity too. A sunrise like that can fill your soul. --Betsy

  4. Yes indeed what a view to behold.Wont see that in big cities.
    And tonight you will see the moon rise in that area on the horizon.

  5. I forget to mention the slick cam of the water.This a waterman talking,but i do believe CBW knows what i am referencing here.
    Simply beautiful,its nice to live in county that is surrounded by water on three sides. Its heaven on earth

  6. It reminds me why I need to move down there. Not that I need reminding or any more reasons. I would if I could. I hope you get some good shots of the Super Moon tomorrow!

  7. Reminds me how much I miss Mathews and you

  8. These pictures are so pretty. Really makes me miss home!

    Baby Sis

  9. All I can say is absolutely beautiful. I'm assuming that the birds were singing also. Have a glorious weekend!

  10. How come you and your mother didn't see each other when you were out taking the same pictures?


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