Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Saturday afternoon I returned from a six-mile run jog to find my parents frolicking in the front yard on the Gator. After a brief exchange, my mother asked if I'd read her latest blog post.  I hadn't.

Click here for her Father's Day tribute.

Click here for my 2008 tribute.

I consider myself extremely fortunate to have them both in my life.

Happy Father's Day.


  1. A very handsome couple, indeed!
    Your father is so very talented and hard-working, he is a wonderful person! Wish him a Happy Father's Day from me...all fathers need to be reminded how important they are in one's life.

  2. Have both of my folks as well. And am so very thankful for that. Give you mom and dad a big hug for me. They are such wonderful humans.

  3. Enjoy this great day with your father!
    My father has been deceased for sixteen years now.Not a day goes by that i don't think of him.

    CBW,thanks for the Fathers Day greeting

  4. You are... I miss my parents soooo much, I know, because of my faith that I will see them again but for now I still mourn them.

    I worked yesterday but had the really early start at 6am, was home by a little after 2 and the DH and I went grocery shopping and then I cooked him pork chops on the grill one of his favorites...

    we are on vacation this week, nothing really planned just really glad not to have to work!

  5. Having been in the Gator I can attest to its fun-ness ...

  6. What a really lovely couple! I miss my mom and dad so much.


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