Friday, August 24, 2012

Scenes from Aarons Beach

Entirely unrelated to these shots from Aarons Beach, Saturday is Mathews Maritime Heritage Day, which starts at 10:00 a.m. at Morningstar Marina (also known as the boatel) near the Milford Haven Coast Guard Station.  I'm hoping to make it there not only to take some pictures and eat some good food but to visit the Coast Guard Station which will be open for visitors.

There are many other stops on the tour.

Click here or here or here  for more details.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Much like the sign you photographed, I think I've ended my state of maintenance, too. Mentally, I am headed to an imaginary beach, LOL.
    You have so much on your plate now, thanks for sharing the photos anyhow.

  2. P.S. in honor of Chesapeake waters in general, I signed a petition to stop a bill aimed at relaxing protections in VA. ( The sponsoring politician's name ends with "latte", and is the opposite of deliciousness or creamy coffee....booo)
    LLC II

  3. Have a nice weekend everyone! Betsy

  4. Wait! It's the weekend again? This retirement thing has my days all mixed up! Date soon?

  5. I think the state picked a wonderful place to end their maintenance. They usually just mess stuff up!

  6. I'm guessing that's a duck blind boat. Amusing.

  7. Enjoying the photos!
    Wishing a wonderful and relaxing weekend...can't wait to see your photos

  8. Your photos of Aarons Beach are so soothing. Hope your day Sunday is a nice one. Just bought a new car and am having a bout of buyer's remorse. Gah!


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